Flying soon? Good luck.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by TT600, Jun 25, 2013.

  1. YouTube

    It's quite an impressive 'catch' of the plane by the pilot, with a rapid rudder correction.

    best one I had was in a plane to taking off from Birmingham to New York. Had a go at taking off, but plane did not quite 'get going' properly, if that makes sense, and came to a swift halt still on the runway.

    Pilot came on the tannoy and said" one of the engines did not quite react as we expected it to, so we re going to go back to the beginning of the runway and have another go"

    have another go? Have another go! Crikey, we've only got two engines and the atlantic is bloody wide, and wet. How about fixing the bloody thing first.
  2. My anti virus software doesn't like that link!
  3. Just a you tube link-"jet engine explodes on runway, airbus a330' is the title.
  4. The link address is Google, not YouTube and my notepad says no!
  5. Looks like the Airbus A330 test a/c - glimpse of livery from rudder deflection.

    I'm sure everything went to plan.
  6. Sorry, I'm no techie, I saw it mentioned on PH, went into YouTube, had a look and copy/paste. Opens fine for me.
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