Wurr Doomed.

Discussion in 'Other Bikes' started by finm, Aug 6, 2021.

  1. the lads turning 16 next month and wants a roadbike. nobody seems to do geared 50cc bikes anymore. i have phoned round a few dealers, nothing doing. wtf? we all had 50cc bikes (a lil bored out):innocent: back in the day. i guess a hero bullet it is then. which is kinda cool looking anyhoo.
    catch em young they used to say. any dealership owners on here with summit to sell?
    • Like Like x 2
  2. twist n go scoot till he can have a 125 would be what i do
  3. The other problem is those old 50cc we all rode years ago are now collectors items and prices to match.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  4. tried that, i have an aprillia habana custom i use for around the town, 50cc stickers are available on t'web. he isnt keen. spoiled lil shit.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  5. aye, i was looking at them (easy to derestrict) 3-4k+for a dt50? holly shitt!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Vespas are cool
  7. deffo, put some noblies on it. sorted.
    he wants a trail bike, and checking out on the web, these hero's look v,easy to derestrict. 1k cheeper than a non exsistent aprillia rs/x50 too.
  8. The bullit is geared isn't it?
    Why wouldn't you get him a 125? I thought you can ride them at 16 or has that changed?
  9. yip, the bullit is geared. but 16yr olds are 50cc 4hp? max.
  10. Aprilia sx 50 or beta rr2 t50 . Might be worth a look.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  11. yeah, tried them. they are not being imported anymore. i want to go new, or damn near it. i have zero time for repairs, we are rural as ferk. looking for reliabilty more than anything else.
  12. I didn't know that. I thought it was 125's
  13. i cant gaurantee the 50cc he gets wont be a 125 before we are done. :D
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  14. Naturally
  15. it was prety much the law back in the day.
    he is good on the bike already, just lacking roadcraft, i think he could handle a lil more boom boom.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. micky oats listed as the local dealer. i already tried them today. nothing doing. hmm.
    maybe my reputation preceeds me. :(
  17. Rieju MRT50. Minarelli engine. 6 speed gearbox. Available from Ayr Motorcycle Centre.

    Or Derbi Senda X-treme 50 R or SM.

    Both are built in Spain although Derbi are owned by Piaggio.
  18. Imho keep him off until 17. 50cc should be banned: so dangerous on any road above 30.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Nice one, the Senda is just a slightly cheaper version of the Aprilia. i will give AMC tomorrow. i know where the shop is, i like Ayr. and the MRT looks ok to me. cheers :upyeah:
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