Other than lubricating her tubes, I can't think of anything else I'd like to do with her. Maybe buy her a few singing lessons, oh sorry, she's had those already. Sadly, having worked in the music industry, manufactured bands have always existed but the X-Factor is probably the single worst thing that has ever happened to the music industry. Along with Elvis, who, according to Old Blue Eyes, signalled the end of harmony and introduced the era of hip-swinging, side-burned, rancid-smelling aphrodisiac music.
Yes, that's pretty much my view. Culture is a tricky thing. Most of the fiction bought (in as much as people are still capable of reading) is dross. It's poorly written; it's not literature. Similarly, most of the music I hear on the radio is tripe, X Factor or no X Factor. Rubbish is nothing new. My childhood was full of dire No 1s on TOTP. Most TV too, with hideous American sitcom and series swill is similarly appalling. But then, these things exist because they are popular and the masses have no taste. It is not for a cultural bourgeoisie to tell them what they should be listening to, reading or watching. At the end of the day, it's not my life or my time. So all power to crap talent shows. If it's making people happy.... And the day it doesn't, they'll be removed from the airwaves.
A race to the bottom ? A small percentage of the books, Tv and film produced today is of superb quality, it is such a pity that the masses prefer the dross.
Hazarding a guess, I suspect that most of the respectable bourgeoisie would sneer at motorbikes as being well towards the vulgar, drossy end of the cultural spectrum. Or at least, distinctly plebeian.
We are all starting to sound like our parents, I remember my Fathers outburst when he saw David Bowie as Ziggy Stardust on Top Of Pops back in the early '70's.
Outrageous / outlandish as Bowie was ( and many others at the time ) he could at least sing and write music. He worked hard over many years to achieve his success. And that is the thing that the current "celebrities" have never done... They are merely manipulated, manufactured, hyped, exploited and then, ultimately, ditched by a giant money-making machine.
Never let it be said that these modern manufactured 'stars' have an easy time - they certainly don't- they are worked like mules until their worth is depleted, then cast aside, mark my words. They are however, woefully short of talent, whatever talent is. 'Talent' can be described as something people want to see, or at least believe in, and although many people tune in to X Factor and The Voice, I don't honestly believe it's something they actually want to see. But in the abscence of a decent drama or comedy, with professional people in it, their choices are strictly limited. I stopped watching the telly 20 years ago...
I fail to see how this televisual experience could be improved upon - proper talent...especially the doris in the white catsuit.
You missed a lot of good, stuff, TV over the last 20 years has been exceptional, all people seem to do is moan and focus on is the dross and not the quality. TV Dramas have been been better, The Fall recently on the BBC was a belter.
Yes, I never have a shortage of stuff I like to look at on the box. Only problem is that most of it is way past my bedtime. Record it, you say. Yeah, but try finding a moment when I'm allowed to watch a documentary in English. That's right - only past my bedtime.