748 Suspension Gurus

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by Ratboy286, Aug 9, 2021.

  1. Hi all,
    I recently spotted a very tidy rear Showa shock listed on EBay for a 748/916 etc as mine is a bit tatty I kept an eye and won it for a good price, it arrived today looking pristine but is not the same as the one fitted differences are;
    Reservoir in line with the mounting points rather than set at a right angle and set lower and top adjuster would not be easily accessible if fitted!!
    Preload is stepped rather than threaded!
    I’ve found one comment that another shock with different reservoir was fitted to later 996/998 but other than that this one looks like it’s from an ST3
    I’ve attached some photos
    Any views as to whether this will fit??
    Thanks Neil


    #1 Ratboy286, Aug 9, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2021
  2. There are 4 different shocks. First image isn’t a Showa, second image isn’t from a 2002 748, third image isn’t off anything I recognise and the fourth image looks like it could be off a late 748 or a 996. Andy
  3. Sorry, bit of confusion on the photos!!
    Forget the small thumbnail pics
    The top one is what I’ve just bought advertised as Showa(although no identifiers)
    The second is the same as I have and looking to replace, will the top one fit with the reservoir in-line??
  4. The one you have just purchased is most definitely not a (Ducati 916/748/996) Showa and I cannot see it fitting. Andy
    • Agree Agree x 3
  5. As suspected, I’ve just applied for a refund!!
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  6. Why not have your old damper refurbished. Seals are available. Some new anodise and zinc gold passivate, fresh oil etc. Even the stickers are still for sale. It will be like new.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. Thanks all, old shock is serviceable at present it was just for aesthetics but as mentioned it can be re plated, a job for the winter
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  8. Measure it up and see if it fits. Looks after market, but I have no idea what brand. Never seen one with that blue adjuster bolt there before. I wonder if it’s for a remote preload adjuster, hence the type of preload collar?
  9. top shock looks like early r1 to me
    • Agree Agree x 1
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