Mike Hailwood 40th Memorial

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Symon Moore, Aug 13, 2021.

  1. Meant to post this a couple of weeks back as it was sent out on the West Midlands DOC. Fairly self-explanatory just wondered if anyone was aware of it and planning on going?

  2. Lol guess it’s just me then ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Hey you, have a fabulous time and don't forget some photographs for us that can't go.
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  4. Nice service today with some fun stories from his peers including Alex George, the guy who beat him at the TT on his last race in 79. Pity there wasn’t more Ducati’s there but a really nice Pikes Peak Mutley and a good looking SP2 (always liked that bike)




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  5. I think there were less bikes because his wife had requested that prior to passing?
  6. No, the family asked the WM DOC to send bikes, was raining earlier, maybe that was the reason?
  7. Just seen this, sadly I would have gone. SMBH was (and still is) my Hero.
  8. Well this is from the organisers page; the message is clear. Its the reason I didn't go, and I imagine many others too.

    "We are starting this year, by commemorating the 40th Anniversary.
    It is important to state that Pauline Hailwood, who has now sadly passed away, was very robust in saying that she did not want an organised/official bike run out to the Church , that has been done so in previous years, due to an upsetting incident for her at the last memorial. This was her main wish in resurrecting this event and I feel that we owe it to Pauline to respect her wish and I would thank you in advance for doing this.
    Obviously we understand that some people will want to turn up on their bikes due to the nature of the event, which is fine".

    #8 Jez900ie, Aug 15, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2021
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  9. Yeh that’s very odd Jez, as you can see from my original post, our local DOC organiser was sent a specific request to the club to get us there. Ah well, ‘twas a nice day anyway!
  10. Of course, while I didn't know about this when I posted about my aunt and uncle living there, odds are I didn't have a number plate at the time. Or wouldn't have when I got there. :(
  11. I’m sorry, you’ve completely lost me o_O
  12. Yeah, a bit obscure given that the majority wouldn't have seen the post I made a few days ago. My only surviving aunt and uncle live in Tanworth. Since the '70s. I thought that'd be something to share on a Ducati forum (not that I met Mike the Bike; he'd already died before I ever visited them there).

    And I've spent the entire time on Ducati Forum losing my number plate, trying to figure out why and waiting for the correct bracket parts to arrive.

    I'm supposed to be visiting them, which for various reasons hasn't happened. I didn't say, in that post, that while I've been there on various bikes, I've never turned up on a Ducati, and was wondering if it would mean anything to anyone there when I did? Followed by that he may be associated with the brand, but not exclusively, so why would it? And then I saw this thread.

    And, I suppose, felt a little foolish so thought I'd better compound that by posting here, out of context!
  13. Ah right, now it makes sense!
    It’s a sleepy little village with a lovely pub in the centre of the green. You do often see bikes parked up there so if you fancy it, it’s worth a visit to have a look at the grave & grab a pint if you’re so inclined.
  14. I did go there a few times in the '80s/'90s, but coming in from Henley, they live just a couple of houses in, so I've never explored the village. I certainly will now though!
    Before Tanworth they lived in Solihull - from where dad would take me for a pint at the Robin Hood - now a carvery :(. There I got a taste for Brew XI - and if they serve that in Tanworth, I certainly will be so inclined!
    But either way, I'll definitely visit the Man's grave.
  15. But I did go a few weeks back and left a few flowers.
    It was a very sad occasion for me.

    Like it says on his gravestone, "Too good in life to be forgotten in death"
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