A blast tomorrow.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Jun 26, 2013.

  1. Anyone up for a meet and down to Brighton for Fish&C tomorrow? Also to check if that Brighton Bike Night is on if possible.

    Was thinking meet at Box Hill about 1500 and move towards Brighton about 1600 max.

    Mind you I am assuming my overflow tank will hold ;P Let's hope it is not more then 20 as forecasted.
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  2. Will the bike hold up?
  3. might be up for this L.
  4. Michel if temp Srtays below 210F yes
  5. Well Brighton to stay dry all day while might get some rain here, are we a go?
  6. making brkts for Monster exhaust but should be ok for 3.
  7. What happened to that?
  8. welding required so plan B as have another pair of 750 cans but apparently you are not coming now?
  9. No it was not the pipe it did split at seam as it was now pissing at 180F which is normal running temp. Ok need new expansion tank, oh well.
  10. Meeting at Loomies at 9 if you fancy a quick one to goodwood...
  11. I too am thinking of Goodwood tomorrow, but leaving at 09:00 from nr Milton Keynes. If you see a guy on a Pani with Dianese textile jacket/ leather jeans it would be good to meet a few peeps.
  12. We'll look out for you. Likely white 848, red M1100S with termis and a 1098. May have a beemer and another in tow...but then may have a few more if others turn up...
  13. If you see a fat old codger on a red and white Le Mans, don't be too upset when he overtakes y'all...
  14. You should down for a ride Fig, sure we could all do with a lesson or two..
  15. Sorry but never made it. I left late and decided I could not face riding through any towns to get there so did a 150 mile country loop around home. Hopefully next time. I do enjoy my visits to Goodwood
  16. Theyhad the green challenge races on today, so few peolpe around but not mega busy. Saw some nice old planes taking off, if that flaots yer boat. Was really pleasant on the terrace
  17. There's a lot of people here a lot quicker than me Bradders. I'm just trying not to grow old too gracefully.
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  18. 2 things are essential in age; SKI'ing and growing old disgracefully. When I turn 50 I'm joining a nudist Scientology cult and be damned!
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