There's a black cat lives under the building where my office is, and it's the blackest black cat I've ever seen in my life. Totally black... like really, really black... I mean , I've seen some black cats in my life, but this one is definitely the blackest... Just thought I'd say...
Talking of which - there's a very black one comes into our garden (which seems to be cat open-house - there's about a dozen of the buggers on a regular basis) called Baghera. But then maybe every second black cat is. He's not very big and not remotely friendly, but looks quite sleek.
Mary looks a bit like Monsieur Maurice. Monsieur Maurice isn't our cat. He's next door's, nominatively. But he seems to spend more time at our place, and eats Kato's food and spends the night... Just so long as we don't have to pay his vet bills as well, which would be doubly absurd as his "owner" is a vet.