So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. you could try breast stroke...

    user warning, this action could lead to you being slapped..... no responsibility is accepted for this comment... shares may go down blah blah blah!!
  2. Well tbh I haven't done much this week but that's because I abandoned the Uk for a week in hot and sunny Greece with my girlfriend. Finding it hard accepting the fact I have to come home in a few days back to the 'work for a living' lifestyle. I could easily live like we have been doing out here for a good few years. Such a lovely place Greece is, been around 36 degrees all week with a light breeze. See you soon, I suppose.... *sob sob :(
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  3. Having a bash at spraying the fairing lowers on my Guzzi. Naturally it started to spit with rain (I'm spraying them on the back of the opened shed door), not enough to see, and too fine to feel, but just enough to make little tiny dimples in the fresh paint:mad:

    Still, it's all going well apart from that, and if the lowers turn out well I'll take a deep breath and do the lot myself. Quite chuffed really.
  4. All to often trip to Slough and back, and started having a crack at making my own oil rad guard as mine is getting a pounding.
  5. Shit day. Should have flown to Majorca at 06.00 this morning. More blood tests today, more tomorrow.
    Holiday cancelled. It's raining here, should have been in the bar by the pool now. ¥$€#%]+\ it.
  6. Today I have test riden a Yamaha crossplane R1.
  7. how did you like it, often wondered what they are like?
  8. Fast. But dull. Except in full on mode but then it's too fast for the road. Actually even the mode name is dull it's called 'A'.
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  9. Good luck, hope all is, or will soon be well.
  10. Took the Mutley in for its 2nd year service and decided to have the screen replaced with the touring version.
  11. Rescued a man on a fireblade in the middle of a Salisbury roundabout :rolleyes:

    He'd run out of fuel
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  12. Good luck, hope all is well.
  13. I hope things have looked up for you in the past 24 hours.
  14. Fancy running out of fuel in Salisbury, must be a popular place for it x
  15. Today I have paid my corporation tax. :rolleyes:
  16. Hurts, don't it:frown:
  17. I invented something whilst having my shower this morning.

    I thought that you could either paint the bottom of pools as a mirror, so that you could see what is going on at the surface as you stare at the bottom whilst swimming, or you could paint or project something like OS Map enlargements so that you'd have something to study or read as you were swimming along. If you project something, it could scroll, which would be more interesting.

    Swimming is quite dull - I need some mental stimulation.
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  18. Don't work for Google

    teleconferences, taking n others work and MGP qualifying for me today...and a session in the gym to come...then beer o'clock
  19. In so much it looks like its Anaemia, which is good as its not on the long list of exclusions on my holiday insurance so might get some money back. Still feel crap.
    thanks for the concern.
  20. Sure does !
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