Glastonbury on the BBC

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Chris, Jun 28, 2013.

  1. Finally something worth paying your T.V. licence for - the coverage this year is certainly impressive and the next best thing to being there. Kicked off at 7 p.m. - Rita Ora on BBC3.
  2. Is she related to Kia Ora ?
  3. i'd never seen or heard of her before Mick, pretty impressive as it went and excellent guitarist considering live. And no, she was dressed in red not orange :)
  4. Tying to understand the hype around seasick steve on beeb 4...
  5. :upyeah:
  6. you know, I can relate to that ^ 'each to their own' and all that but have listened/watched a few times and although have enjoyed I wouldn't want to buy a CD/Download etc.
  7. Really? Glasto is my idea of hell...
  8. Dizzy Rascal. Yawn. Two numbers and I switched.
  9. Artic Monkeys are/were good plus another 2 hours on BBC2 and it's only the first day .
  10. I have watched festivals on tv before and find it tedious how you get 2 songs, the. They go to some no mark who no one knows on a couch for 20 mins talking shite before back to music. Or they chop around stages. Either show it or dont. Watching Skyfall so not seen coverage yet to see if its any better
  11. agree in the past some of the presenters could cut waaay down on the words, by around 90%. Hopefully they have learnt from this for 2013.
  12. It's the female presenters that generally annoy me. They are all so "Look at me! I'm so CRAAAAZY!!!!" And of course Glastonbury gives everyone a chance to be crazier than normal, as wallowing in mud and queuing for a bog for several days is a fairly crazy experience.

    The presentation is overwhelmingly sycophantic. Much of the music is very ho-hum, but there is this idea that we are all so privileged to be ushered into the presence of the "stars".

    Still. Let's not be churlish. It's a great thing that so much airtime is devoted to contemporary music and there will undoubtedly be some gems.
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  13. I'm watching the Stones now BBC2 HD.

    Jesus, they are well old ! :tongue:
  14. Watching it now ,Fuckin hell what a load of shite!
  15. Lol stones on beeb 2.
  16. just said to missus, they've looked 70 for the last 40 years anyway!
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  18. Talking about shit, my Mrs and my daughter are going to see Frank Sinatra tribute act ( Robbie fat Williams ) tomorrow !:redface:
  19. Hell yeah thats shit. Least Frankie could hold a tune
  20. 7

    To the tune of 110 quids as well !
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