916 Boots' Thread For Daft Questions

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by bootsam, Aug 30, 2021.

  1. im awaiting delivery of new leads. Thus I’ll leave it till the weekend.
  2. Oops, I should have re-read the original post, I forgot you’d had this bike for ages and were simply re-commissioning it :(
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  3. Thats whats baffling me the most Chris. It was fine and started up okay before, yet now she is being a bitch.
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  4. That's called character. It's part of the fun of ownership.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  5. spark, fuel, timing. compression.
    fuel pressure and injector resistance are the areas jumping out at me.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Spark? - Yes
    • Fuel? - Yes
    • Timing? - Yes
    • Compression? - I do have a tester. What reading should I look for or is just a balanced reading ok?
    • Injector Resistence? - I could test those I guess. I assume their Ohms are in the Workshop manual?
  6. i think 125-175? psi should suffice.
    injector resistance is probably around 16ohms. someone will know.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  7. fuel pressure 3bar?
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  8. i'm guessing no "cough" on a "squirt" then either. I'm sure you've checked all the obvious but still have to go through them all, as would do this to myself!:- Fuel pump tone and duration on prime sounds normal? Starter churn is as fast as usual? Same spark plugs as when it last ran? Age of fuel/no chance of water in bottom of tank? - is it near empty? plus Finm stuff^.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Yep, all the above. New fuel.
  10. When I was re-reading the thread you mentioned about removing an alarm, has the bike run since you did this or did you do this recently whilst doing the belts?
  11. yes Chris, I bypassed the alarm years ago. The only new thing are the belts, pulley bearings and new starter leads.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  12. Have you tried talking nicely to it....?

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    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Did you disconnnect the ht leads when doing the belts? It may or may not be a silly suggestion but they are connected the right way round aren’t they? Otherwise your spark will not be occurring on the correct engine stroke.
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  14. forgive me, my OCD has been killing me since i posted this, i need to correct it.
    ears and eyes, spark, fuel compression then timing. cos if compression is out, you would deffo go on to check the timing.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  15. yip, it happens. :innocent:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. I'll be sorting it this weekend. A match down the plug holes to clear that out. I want to do that outside on drive and with a fire extinguisher handy. Then Im going to recheck everything.

    I unplugged the caps but left them hanging. No way to mix them up. I did consider this, but someone would have had to break in and swap them round. The vert ones are in a guide along with the tanks wiring so its pretty much impossible to mix up.
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  17. 16 ohms? That’s a block of flats..

    I’ll get me coat…. But 16 ohms is low!

    Fair play OP for having a go. I’d have had the white flag out ages ago….
  18. about standard for a 90s fiat petrol injector
    • Useful Useful x 2
  19. You’ve got me dicking about with my multimeter now…
    • Funny Funny x 1
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