Pets Corner

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pixie1276, Aug 19, 2012.

  1. Stud fee is £750, and bitches are carefully screened. The owner bought him because she liked him and could, not to make money.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  2. We were told our springer was an alpha by a dog ‘psychiatrist’, he actually advised us to re home him.

    Having decided to keep him, for 14 years he turned out to be a lovely family pet
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  3. Rule of thumb for stud fees is, price of a puppy and/or pick of the litter. We’re fortunate to be good friends with a lot of the top Border Collie breeders in UK so have a different arrangement. Our Beth just had a litter of 9 three days ago. Beautiful and all going strong. We’ll just about be breaking even on the last 3 litters. Yeah..BIG money to be made by some. But they’re the breeders I’d avoid tbh.
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  4. Here’s our newest additions. Same Mum & Dad as our Beth's first litter, so pedigree will be the same (except Dad is now a ShCh so will show in red on new certs). Beth's Mum was Crufts BoB 2010 (no credit to us though :confused: That was our friend's hard work). 'Calareto' is our KC affix btw.

    upload_2021-9-18_9-15-11.jpeg Typ Pedigree.jpg
    #1804 Jonnybiscuit, Sep 18, 2021
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2021
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  5. Oh, he’s a fabulous pet and a real character which his stubbornness is just part of. His affectionate nature combined with a huge dose of bonkersness is a constant source of love and laughter for us all.

    I intend to have a professional do some work with him but the two I had in mind are both fully booked at the moment.

    #1805 Zhed46, Sep 18, 2021
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2021
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  6. Spot on. It's well worth taking your time to find good, passionate breeders. Loads of wankers out there just looking for easy money. No fucks given for animal welfare....
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. We gave up showing GSD'S over 15 years ago. And only bred the very occasional litter, when we wanted to keep something. I'd say quite a few judges didn't know what a sound dog looked like, or were bent. And entries dived because of it. The Kennel Club were next to useless, registering anything regardless of the parents health results, or lack of them.
  8. Finn (one of our Gwen's November litter) went to live with a photographer (that's a bit of an understatement tbh) near the New Forest. He just sent me this pic taken early this morning........on his iPhone !!! Finn New forest September 2021.jpg
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  9. Does that have some sort of filter or effect added? It looks like an oil painting
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  10. Yeah, an oil filter...
    • Funny Funny x 7
  11. I have no idea. I just thought it was a fabulous shot. He is one hell of a photographer though. .......
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  12. Doesn't add up to me. Well bred, and or titled GSD stud fees are £6-750 at the moment. No registered breeder would sell a decent puppy for that.
  13. Take your socks off then :rolleyes:
  14. I'm not getting undressed for you.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. I know staffies are ten a penny, despite them being the best dog on earth :D But I've sourced and bought two recently. One for my Mum and Dad and one for us. They were 1500 and 1800 respectively.
  16. I was posting about KC registered GSD pups, and as a minimum, from low hip and elbow scored parents.
  17. I'll only profess to know about Border Collies. KC registered ('Pedigree') Border Collie puppies, from health tested parents (Hip scored, DNA checked and matched, BAER tested ++) and from a reputable 'Breed Society recognised' Breeder are £1200 - £1500 A reputable Breeder won't be having litter after litter out of the same bitch (we have max 2), so the costs per puppy go up. There's not a lot of 'profit' in it (if you want to make money? .. choose another way) and any 'profit' there is, can be wiped out in a flash if you're unlucky enough to have a pup that needs any significant Vet intervention (of course, the less reputable 'breeders' would simply euthanise a poorly puppy). For my own amusement, I did a spreadsheet of the costs to produce X# puppies. Shocked me. To produce our Meg's 'singleton', it cost me around £1600 !! And that ignored 3 months of my time, and the cost of Meg (the bitch) to begin with. Obviously. that 'cost/puppy' reduces as the # in a litter goes up. But not by as much as you'd perhaps expect.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Years ago my only bitch had 1 pup, by caesarian, at night, on a bank holiday. I'd mated her because I wanted a male to run on, the pup was a female. A long coat, and huge, a monster pup the vet called her, a bit like her bill. I should have sold her really, but after the C section I didn't want to mate her mother again. The pup had the most fantastic temperament, but she wasn't really suitable for breeding, so I haven't bred since. Mother and daughter lived to 14 and 12, and 2 house dogs were enough for us.
  19. Probably been through Photoshop Lightroom and tweaked. Nice pic all the same.
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