Aragon 2021

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by Conradv2, Sep 20, 2021.

  1. Epic run to the GP at Aragon and the Pyrenees last week. Too warm for leathers.
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  2. Was in the Pyrenees last week, ride through Aragon myself. Great roads.
  3. There are some cracking roads around that area, I stayed in Zaragoza when going to the GP at Aragon and then down to Barcelona for a few days, unfortunately I was in a hire car (mini from memory) but I recall how good the roads were, lots of bikes on the way to the GP, several in ditches at the side of the road too LOL.
  4. Hi Conrad, did you start in Scotland? - That's a hell'uv a trip!
  5. Think I’ve stopped at the same spot lol

  6. Stunning picture, lovely zoom feature also on my phones view by tapping image.
  7. Yes , bit of a grind to the boat in Plymouth but worth it . New rubber required.
  8. Haha great . I had a trumpet buddy with me too but I edited that out :)
  9. Proof of trumpet buddy
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