Trying to achieve more sag in the front forks as they only have 20mm, backed off the nut on top of the forks 3 turn but does not seem to make a lot of difference. How far can you safely go until something comes loose with no way back
Fork preload adjuster nut will stop turning when it runs out of travel. One assumes you have “bounced” the forks following your previous adjustment and remeasured the sag?
Wound the nut right out to the stop now and still only 20mm sag, tried back in 6 complete turns and 20mm still, am I doing something wrong ?
Or…the fork adjustment on the Evo is ineffectual? Do you have a manual? Are you sure you are turning the preload rather than the damping adjuster?
FWIW - I spent some time adjusting my Evo forks but never achieved the sort of ride that I wanted. They always felt harsh, in fact, the fully adjustable forks fitted were in my view, worse than some earlier unadjustable forks. I think springs for your weight would help. I recall someone on the Monsterforum had to replace springs, damper units and valves to obtain a ride he was happy with.
If it doesn’t change when wound all the way out to in something is buggerred or someone have done something to restrict it like added spacers.
I heard that the suspension components on the Evo were not as good as the previous 1100 models. I have an 1100S with branded Ohlins but it ain’t really that good either. Adequate. Looks nice though and adds bling points!
It’s the 22mm red nut I am turning in the photo, I take it this is the correct one. Not touched the one at the bottom with the locknut on
So completely anti clockwise should give more sag, is that correct ? Might just going completely clockwise to see what happens. Sorted the rear easily with the lock rings on the shock
Yes wind all the way out, both legs, should give loads of sag then as springs will have their least tension
Yes, wound them both anti clockwise until they came to the end of travel this gave 20mm sag, wound them in equally one turn on each leg until a total of six turn clockwise but still 20mm sag I am completely lost, anyone know a decent place near to Leicester that may be able to sort these out even if they need new internals
Just one other point the bike has stood overnight so the oil is cold, should the bike been given a good ride before making changes so the oil has had time to warm up