Below is the content of an email, the title of which was just my reg number, but seems to have come from a proper met police number. What are your thought Hi Sir, I am a Detective from Notting Hill. I am currently auditing some crime reports and one where you have been a victim of crime has popped up for clarification. It appears that the report reads that your motorcycle LXXX XXX a Ducati had been stolen. Can you confirm if this is the case? Thanks and regards Irfan Irfan KHALIFA| Detective Constable |Focus Unit MetPhone 740205 | Telephone 020 8246 0205 | Email|[email protected] Address NottingHill Police Station 101 Ladbroke Road London W11 3PL Total Policing is the Met's commitment to be on the streets and in your communities to catch offenders, prevent crime and support victims. We are here for London, working with you to make our capital safer.
I'd just contact Notting Hill Police station direct and ask to speak to Irfan. Notting Hill Police Station - Metropolitan Police Service
1, How would they get your email address from your vehicle Reg? 2, They would check the Reg using the DVLA and refer to you by name.
DC Irfan Khalifa from Kensington and Chelsea Robbery Squad Female robbed of her £15,000 Rolex - Metropolitan Police Service
At a stretch, they could have got your email address from an online tax disc application if you've ever done one? The first piece of advice is good though - use their own website to contact them directly (via a switchboard) about the email. Don't use links in the email, or phone numbers in the email.
surely has to be genuine after what Borgo has posted - have you had bike long Matt - do you think it was previous owner's experience etc? I think everything's been covered in answers above - I would delete this thread now if it were down to me.
Poor grammar, lack of detail, lack of formality... If I was being cynical I would say that all these are indications of it being genuine police communication. HOWEVER - I would be VERY surprised if this is for real. Scammers / Physhers already send out pretty authentic looking e-mails that pretend to be from banks - it's only a small step from that to this... So they've copied a name from a press release, and faked up some e-mail addresses - easy innit ? As has been said earlier - contact Notting Hill police station through a known, genuine, phone number and see what they say.
Fake. If they were trying to contact you it wouldn't be by email. It would be via the address of the registered keeper held by the dvla. If they were that desperate to contact you they'd write/ phone too.Sounds like someone fishing for a vehicle identity or worse. i would contact the police to confirm the validity of the email, but not by any methods listed in the original.
if all of the methods of communication given/suggested within the E-mail are genuine then what has a scammer got to gain from it? - it has to be genuine if above is the case.
I'm not so sure about that............I have some very recent ones from the Met and they don't have 'pnn' in the email address.......... ...............the other regional forces seem to have it.......... ........I reckon it is a scam.......note that the 'officer' has changed forces as well.............From Kensington to Notting Hill. AL
No, we know they 'look' genuine but are they? The signature block looks wrong and there's no spacing between the text/ sig. Just looks laid out wrong.
Here's a possible clue - and I'm asking because I don't know London that well - is Notting Hill in Kensinston & Chelsea ?
From Nigeria! Nah, looks very suspect. I wouldn't email that addy or phone that number, call the station direct (you have to go through a switchboard right?) and ask to speak to him. The grammar is very suspect.
No, we know they 'look' genuine but are they? The signature block looks wrong and there's no spacing between the text/ sig. Just looks laid out wrong. google the phone number. It gets interesting. This is a scam.
The phone number is the same one as in the crime report web-page at post 5 above... Curiouser and curiouser...
Yes it is in that area........but he was part of Kensington & Chelsea Robbery Squad and now he is part of a 'Focus Unit' at Notting Hill Plod Station. As I posted above, email address is wrong...........I just phoned my mate in the Met........He doesn't recognise the name of the guy.