2 problems with my 900

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by Baldyboy, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. Been out for a play, and noticed recently the neutral light comes on constantly after engaging neutral for the first time, when I engage gear it stays on, however it does dim down. Is this a known problem? just a case of cleaning the sensor wire? 2nd and more worrying having looked over the bike I noticed the lower part of the fuel tank appears to have been repaired/filled at some point then sprayed over. Having got off the bike today I stink of fuel, and have noticed red paint on my inner thigh. I have checked the tank it doesn't appear to be leaking but where I grip the tank appears to be a soft area of paint. But this is far higher than I would expect for a tank rotting through. Typically I have just filled the tank and I am guessing I will need to drain the tank and get it repaired/replace with a better condition tank. Any thoughts for a duke newbie. Cheers guys
  2. sounds more like the switch is sticking/shimming needs slight ajustment but it never hurts to clean connectors/connections anyway. Sorry to hear about the tank - not coming out of the filler? The worst rot is usually right at the back and low down as you say but could rot anywhere of course.
  3. Mine had rotted out at the bottom on the fuel tap side, just mixed up a load of fiber glass resin and poured it in. I tried one of those tank sealers on my zzr1100 but found the resin to be better. I'm sure some one will tell me I'm wrong but ha ho
  4. Read about others problems and responses to the tank leaking so will take a look at the weekend, Chris I do wonder if it has leaked out back from the filler cap as I had just filled it, and looking at the top of the filler cap the seal doesn't appear to run all the way round and if it has leaked the first port of call will be my thigh. It has been repaired at some point previously though. Looked for aftermarket, fibreglass and or aluminium tanks not a huge choice, although to be honest may contact The Tank Shop in Scotland he does tanks from £450, and if enough people showed interest he may do them. Cheers guys
  5. There is a seal between the tank and the large circular aluminium fuel cap housing that if perished can result in a leak obviously more noticeable when full. I think Baines did advertise for a while offering to supply welded up tanks on an exchange basis but all the time decent secondhand ones turn up for under £150 there probably won't be enough interest. Just had a quick look and there's nothing on UK E-Bay right now.

    3 on USA site at high prices - here's a link to one solution on here not long ago :- http://ducatiforum.co.uk/f4/900ss-rusted-petrol-tank-repair-6485/
    #5 Chris, Jul 1, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2013
  6. Check the breather pipe hasn't come adrift from the cap ring.
  7. I just found my fuel cap overflow was blocked...........somewhere between the outlet under the cap and the rubber pipe..........a bit of strimmer cord dealt with that.
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