Best dealer/independant to sort rear brake

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Whistler, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. Hi everyone, I am hoping that someone can point me in the direction of a dealer or independant that is good at improving the back brake. My local dealer has had a couple of goes at it both worse than when I got the bike and currently I need to put my heel on the lever just to hold the bike on a slope if using the rear and can't get the ABS to kick in at all!

    Happy to pay, change pads, upgrade or just get someone to bleed them properly but not going back to Aylsbury for a fix as they clearly can't.

    I have a 2012 model so don't believe this needed the recall work of earlier bikes but not 100%
  2. My back brake is brilliant thanks to Ducati Leeds. They did recall and put soft sports pads in, it's a long way for you though. Bike would still be in warranty though so perhaps try anther dealer or another 2012 bike to compare. Don't give up back brake can be made to work.
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  3. I too have a 2012 model. My bike was recently in Moto Rapido in Winchester for a new head gasket (under warranty). They called me after taking the bike out for a test ride to say would I like the back brake mod doing? I said yes. Having read about the rubbish back brake I had assumed that mine was how they all were. I'm not a big back brake user but can tell it is definitely better. So don't assume that no improvement is possible under warranty on a 2012 bike.

  4. When my bike went in to Aylesbury for its 1st service I commented on the back brake and they told me it was fine and there wasn't a fix on it because it's a 2012 model. Yeah, right. It's crap but I'll worry about it when it goes for its 1st mot test but until then it's not really a major issue because I hardly touch the back brake.

    I did adjust the pedal to its highest position and that helped a bit but should anyone really have to change the pads on an almost new bike because the stock ones are shite?
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  5. I guess it depends on riding style but I use the back brake a lot. I agree not perfect stock but very cheap improvement changing pads and push for brakes bleeding again. Try another dealer but be honest and discuss issues a good dealer will want to sort it.
  6. The bike will be going in for its annual service at the end of August so they'll be asked to have another look and I'll probably tell them to change the pads to see if it improves. It's ok saying I rarely use it but one day I might need to and if it's still rubbish I'll be regretting not sorting it out.
  7. Why dont you just bleed it yourself. It's hardly rocket science!
  8. Your at it again with your'e negative posts. Stop hi-jacking when people are trying to genuinely help each other out. Go back in your'e garage and polish the knee sliders. GO AWAY.
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  9. oooer mrs, your a little bit frisky. Suggesting that someone actually does something to the bike themselves is negative is it? Your a plank i'm thinking. Trying to help each other hey? Are you planning on giving him a reach around big bear?

    What's more positive than actually doing something practical to the bike yourself? Remove caliper, change to softer compound pads, bleed through fresh fluid whilst maintaining caliper above height of master cylinder. Refit caliper.
  10. Your last paragraph is more like it. Although from what I've heard it's not quite as straight forward on the Multistrada.

    Your first paragraph however confirmed my thoughts about the type of man you are.
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  11. If I wanted to do it myself I would have asked how, if I had the mechanical knowledge to do it I wouldn't need to ask how because the details have previously been posted. Just because I love riding bikes doesn't mean I like to fix them.

    I guess some people either can't read or feel the need to post negative crap because they have small D1(ks and want to feel good about themselves. Still i appreciate the majority of answers and find the others funny.

    Couldnt agree more with ojobears comment though!
    #12 Whistler, Jul 2, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2013
  12. Whatever. :rolleyes: The size of other peoples penis's should not be of your concern. I was suggesting that it is possible for any able minded person to do themselves. Then again, you seem like a very astute and accommodating person who likes giving money away for a simple task. Ps, you spell D1(ks - COCK
    #13 Cranker V2, Jul 2, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2013
  13. Poped into aylsbury to book the bike in and despite not being able to do anything for a couple of weeks they were very helpfully and agreed that the brake was not good enough.

    Then tested a 2013 Grantourismo, great rear brake, better engine the skyhook stuff really does work and I like the small styling updates. Pick it up next Saturday. :smile::smile::smile:
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