1260 Evotech Tomtom Bracket Making Screen Mech Stiff...

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Drpepper, Oct 19, 2021.

  1. Hi,

    Fitted the Evotech high level Tomtom bracket yesterday, seems a decent bit of kit and all went well, however after fitting the screen adjustment is really stiff.....wondered if anyone has had this before?

    I kind of threw it on in a spare half hour so will revisit to see if any snagging or anything, ultimately its not a big deal as the Puig racing screen that's on it works for me best on its lowest setting anyway so will probably never get adjusted anyway.
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  2. i've had the Evotech GPS mount for Zumo XT on my 1260s for over two years now ... no issues with moving the windscreen mount up and down.

    i think your checking to see if any bits (like the GPS power cable) are snagging, is a good first step to diagnosing/fixing the problem.

  3. Good to know thanks, will take another look at it. Can't be power lead as only wired it in today, lol.
  4. hmmm ... if not the power lead binding up, then perhaps you overtightened the screws that hold the two pieces of the mount in place?
  5. Maybe, I'll take screen off and undo the screws that mount the bracket to the screen mech and go from there, easy enough to do now the bracketry is all together.
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  6. Spot on with the screws, loosened them up a bit and screen moves more freely, cheers!
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  7. brilliant! glad to read it worked out.
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