European Ww2 Sites

Discussion in 'Touring' started by Advikaz, Sep 19, 2021.

  1. Indeed. It's probably my biggest claim to fame!

    That and Fullers of course.
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  2. And given many fell short thanks to misinformation 1. I'm astonished that security was that good, and 2. sorry for the poor bastards that died in the home counties as a consequence.

    Although doubtless far fewer died than would have - the greater good, and all that!
  3. I defy anyone to go to Omaha cemetery and not have a lump in their throat. It’s a beautiful place. Bayuex cemetery is a good one too, this one is more British and common wealth.
    Went to sword beach too

    As an aside and if you’re interested, if you go to Bayuex go and have a look at the Bayuex tapestry, it’s really worth a look.
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  4. Visited a museum in Heraklion when on hols in Crete in the late 1980's , incredibly interesting place, whilst looking at the photos of German paratroopers on the wall of one room an old guy said to me ''we got our arses kicked good and proper'', turns out he was an Aussie who was captured on the island when they surrendered and spent most of the rest of the war in Italy in a POW camp until the Italians swapped sides!
  5. Oradour is worth a visit. We have been couple of times on passing on our way through France.

    Information here:

    I managed to find information on two of my great uncles(brothers) who fought in WW1.
    One was captured and remained so for the duration of the war, his brother died in battle September 1917.
    I managed to find his war grave and was planning a visit when Covid/lock down hit.
  6. I have it as a detour on the return leg from Corsica next year. Have wanted to visit since it was featured, I think, in the original World at War series.
  7. Yes, episode one in the intro.
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