What's For Dindins?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Bonkers the Dog, Oct 18, 2021.

  1. Quite possibly served at the Ritz hotel for crazy monies but not where i was sitting that night.
  2. Had occasion to think about my childhood today so I have sausage toad for tea tonight. Andy
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  3. no... no.no,no, Andy - you have to tell us what you chose to drink with it, I won't sleep otherwise.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  4. Lidl Rib Eye, chips, tender leaf Broccoli, baby carrots, pepper sauce. Followed by chocolate chip muffin and full fat custard. :yum
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  5. Estrella Inedit which just happened to be chilling in the salad drawer in the fridge :D Sleep well :upyeah: Andy
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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  6. How did you find the lidl/aldi (although I call them Laldy...one for the Scots there!) steaks? I often eye those little puppies in their vacuum packed jackets but am a bit dubious...
  7. We have them often and normally pretty good. May need some tenderising tho
  8. MMmmmm, interesting. Steak night coming around again so I may have a wee go...
    • Love You Love You x 1
  10. There lovely especially the 32 day matured :upyeah:
  11. Home made lamb curry, made with Forsters organic lamb.
  12. First time for a Lidl steak, I think Aldi are better, still nice tho. Lidl sell a ready made pepper sauce in a sachet, 1.5 mins in the old Nuke machine.
    Lady Vader is sunning herself ( with the kids) in Rhodes so I’m cooking for myself.
  13. A bowl of corn flakes
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  14. Your missus away too eh ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. lidl lamb chops, side salad...tough as old bastard boots, got the 16oz ribeye for tom, if its the same windows are goin through
  16. Spag Bol, and I’m not making it!
  17. Was either that or the emergency pot noodle. a King Bombay Bad Boy :)
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  18. That's a 2 day meal, always better the next day :upyeah:A bit like stew
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Good call, only thing is I’m greedy!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. Ok lidl rib eye is ok...……..but my local butcher, his own rib eye is stunningly good, honestly it is really good. His own beasts, that I am sure I've seen walking in the fields.
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