What's For Dindins?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Bonkers the Dog, Oct 18, 2021.

  1. Locally sourced is always best, and particularly good if you know the man!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Some salmon thing. Not a fan
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. We had chilli con carne again just to override these bloody tastebuds :mad:
  4. Aldi veggie (onion and rosemary) sausages with cheese, mustard, ketchup and salad on a toasted bagel.

    The sausages were surprisingly good (a bit like a cross between the real thing and sage & onion stuffing) and as I’m trying to eat less meat they’re a bit of a find.
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  5. To go with these purple mushrooms that sprung up recently a few days after our local river mysteriously turned purple for a day.

    41F93A4D-691F-4FD7-9E59-EFD4BD946929.jpeg View attachment 253346 A01A391A-0785-4A6E-8575-63B8D251C600.jpeg
    • WTF WTF x 1
  6. There are mushrooms growing round here everywhere, a veritable cornucopia of fungi, especially those wee ones that student and hippies like. If I was of a mind I could fill a bag with them and ride out the winter in a glorious haze and a fit of the giggles...now there's a thought!
  7. As an aside...


    Aldi Caramelised biscuits. Simple, cheap and fucking addictive - I think thy may put mushrooms in em!
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  8. half a bag of mussels, half an iceberg lettuce, half a pot of pre-prepared coleslaw with loads of lemon juice and cracked pepper and a bit of salt (no garlic).
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  9. Bi-valves!? No, NO and thrice NOOOOO.

    As a retired diver I have seen the environment first hand where they live and what they eat - shit filters, nothing more.

    I'd rather eat a donkey's snot.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. I don’t think @Chris was inviting you to dinner!
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  11. you reminded me of a day out at Margate where my late good friend Tim was contemplating picking some "fresh" mussels. We found an area just East of the main Pier and although I had lost nearly all my sense of smell it was obvious to me that this was not a good idea/not sure fresh was the right word, more like ripe maybe..

    P.S. aren't we all just filters really? :)
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  12. I love Portmadoc mussels,they are delicious.
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  13. If I weren't waiting for the subframe DHL failed to deliver yesterday, I'd go buy some mussels. I seem to recall last time I bought them they came from Chile.

    Anyway they were refrigerated.
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  14. I just quaffed a few sheets of smoked salmon as well - who knows? I might be Mercury deficient. :)

    High fructose corn syrup is even worse apparently.
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  15. As the Earth is more or less a closed system all the water we drink is really just recycled dinosaur piss
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  16. Recycled piss? That would be Fosters Lager No?

    And why would Chris not want me to come for dinner - I am an excellent guest and can be quite entertaining, especially if you uncork the Malt.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. #2 son, wife and kids are coming to stay the night so apparently we are now having quesadillas and salad. :)

    If they weren’t coming it’d have been beans on toast I’m sure :bucktooth:
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  18. As part of our "training regime" we used to dive in a part of the Clyde estuary renowned for scallops, just a coincidence mind. We would recover them by the crate load, divvy them up (percentage to the gaffers in a tesco bag out the back of the office, never any questions asked, ahem). I tended to pass..

    Sadly, the next season we went back and a dredge trawler had been through and what had been an underwater oasis brimming with life had been ploughed up, denuded of life and was just a sandy desert. I've seen that all over Scotland. Don't get me started on the state underneath salmon farms, absolutely shocking.
    • Useful Useful x 2
  19. Have you watched “Seaspiracy”? I used to feel all smug and virtuous because I ate a lot of fish instead of meat, but no longer after watching that documentary and learning what industrial scale fishing is doing to the oceans.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  20. I haven't seen it yet, but it is on my watch list.

    Modern industrial trawlers are the devil's work. Basically large floating hoovers that can find any fish they want with the aid of modern technology and destroy an entire shoal in a oner. But what are we to do? One of the real kickers is that a lot of fish caught are used as fertiliser! And don't get me started on by-catch; that is a true environmental crime right there.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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