I just had a call off a mate who knows I'm picking my newish multi up on Friday to warn me someone he works with traded in a 2011 white touring at the same garage I'm buying mine from had £9.5K worth of warranty work and needs new front forks at £1.5K a pop, luckily it's not my multi but it has made me poop my pants a bit, mine is out of warranty low mileage 3.5K but I will be horrified if it turns out like the other i have had my current MTS1100S for 3 years and only had to change the battery so it's been trouble free. Im Sh*tting bricks if I'm honest, I'm parting with £11.5K FFS, I'm no millionaire, is there extra warranty I can take out to be on the safe side, if so who is the best? Cheers for the hugs and warranty info Dave.
you are covered under the "Sale of Goods Act 1979" ... look it up. ... http://www.oft.gov.uk/shared_oft/738369/738375/OFT002_SOGA_explained.pdf Basically, the vehicle (in this case) has to be fit for its intended purpose. That means the engine has to work for a reasonable time without going "pop", forks have to boing, etc. If the bike needs work doing, the dealer should fix it before they pass it on to you. If they don't you can (basically) sue them... small claims court for less than £5k... it is dead easy, and costs (you) peanuts to do. Before you get that far though, you can insist they fix it. This doesn't apply to "private sales" ,,, hope that helps, and enjoy the bike.
Ok then, so check everything carefully when you get it, and monitor it in the first 3 months... question them when you get it too... even ask (casually) about the forks... they have to tell you if there is something wrong. They may not know, mind you. Anyway, even after the 3 months, if something that clearly was "worn" or "faulty" goes "pop", they still have to fix it. Not wear and tear items, but normal stuff... If they tell you something is not right, and that is reflected in the price... well, you have't got a case. But I'm guessing they haven't told you anything... ;-) Enjoy the bike, I'm sure you will like it... Oh, and don't worry that it has had warranty work... I think most people have had warranty work and mine has had an engine rebuild... but it is as good as new! Better for it to have had the work done under warranty than it happen to you! ;-) Enjoy.
I'm not into man hugs so you'll have to just do without and if you're feeling a bit unloved try browsing for porn and you'll do fine :smile: If you're buying from a reputable dealer I can't see any problems because it's not in their interests to stitch you up and just remember that nobody posts about the good things but they're quick to have a go about the bad ones. I'm no exception and I'm currently at war with a Triumph dealer about my wifes bike but that doesn't make a Sprint ST a bad bike.
Cheers guys, I'm sure everything will be fine, as has been said here and elsewhere people only usually post problems and complaints on forums, I'm pretty sure I read lots of negative posts about the Multi 1100S before I bought it and had 3 trouble free years. just to clarify though the bike my mate mentioned that has had all the work done is Not my bike, just a coincidence it's a white S touring at the same garage, that one has 18K mine has 3.5K, it just spooked me a bit with mine being out of warranty. Ta
Actually by law 6 months is min from any vat reg garage. Also you are covered by the sales of goods act for 6 years providing you can provide proof there was a problem before the 6 month warranty ended.
Recently I managed to get a car taken back as it developed an intermittant fault in the first 6 months of ownership and the garage despite trying could not fix it....
Slipper, don't worry about it and just enjoy the bike. Like any make there are good ones and bad ones. There are a lot of bikes out there now with far more than 15k miles on them, that have had no major issues. Hope you enjoy it, and welcome to the forum