If you crash in Wales .................

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnv, Jul 4, 2013.

  1. .....does that mean your organs will be harvested now that Wales has introduced an automatic opt in for their organ donor program ?

    Does the State own your body in Wales ?

    Do you agree with assumed consent ?
  2. I agree with assumed consent, if you aren't happy then opt out :upyeah:

    I have no use for my body after I'm gone, if it helps save some ones life then crack on!
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  3. As above, I'm happy to let anyone have any bits of me that might give them a better quality of life or more time with their loved ones.
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  4. I'm on the donor register I'm happy to have my bits used
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  5. Fnarr, fnarr ( thought I'd get in before El T )
  6. You have to live in Wales or been a resident for at least 12 months to be a donor and the organs can be used nationwide throughout the UK.
  7. I think the opt out idea is a good un.Im more than happy to have any usable bits given to others after Im gone.Shame is,Im too slack to register.
  8. I find it difficult to believe that anyone can actually prefer allowing usable organs to rot and have a sick person die, rather than having the organs used for transplanting to save a life. Are there really people that thoughtless and nasty? I suppose there must be.
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  9. I think the opt out is a perfect solution. I'm guessing there would only be a very small % of people who would opt out. There'd be plenty of transplant material available.

    If I come off my bike and need something, I see I can rely on you lot to cough up :upyeah:. But if it's the other way around, there probably won't be much left of my twisted, tangled remains you'd want to use :wink:
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  10. FWIW I do not agree with the automatic opt in. I believe that organs should be donated, not taken. No one has the right to another persons organs, even if that person is dead. I would much rather have a well publicised on going campaign to encourage everyone to carry a donor card and for those who do not carry a card relatives should be asked.
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  11. I think auto opt in is a good idea, the final decision is usually left to next of kin who stricken with grief will say no for selfish reasons!

    What about those who should of opted out but forgot and will automatically get harvested, and those who for religious reasons can't donate.

    Oh and what about the ones that opted out but were harvested anyway? Too late once it's gone...
  12. Just hope I don't end up in a lasagne alongside Shergar....
    I have been registered for years-personal choice is fine, with or without default,
    as long as their is a robust opt out for those that for whatever reason choose not to-we are still a democracy , I think.
  13. Pm sent about the bits I'd like :wink:
  14. If I crashed in Wales they would think I was dead before I hit the ground.......but they wouldn't want any of my bits anyway........they don't work properly.........in fact I wonder if they ever did.
  15. She said 'bits' El T... not 't...'
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  16. I'm sorry but I'm for automatic opt out. If I want to donate anything I will make that decision. At the moment I have opted out. For some reason, and I don't know why, the thought of my body being cut up after I've died doesn't sit well with me, never has.

    Now there are those who will say I'm dead so what does it matter? Not one jot really, but it just makes me feel uncomfortable. Anyhow, hopefully when I die I'll be so old that everything will be useless anyway.
  17. This will mean that Wales will become the harvest capital, if you need any bits go and bump of a few residents of Wales and wait for the bits to turn up.
  18. Wales- the organ farm for the UK.( but not Scotland if it fully devolves! You can go harvest your own organs!)
  19. It doesn't matter really, deads dead.

  20. Ive donated my organ in ports worldwide for the last 38 yrs so i doubt if i am any use to anyone , And as for the liver:rolleyes:
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