Speed Awareness Tax

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ackers, Sep 27, 2021.

  1. Unless you are caught on different types of road.

    I got caught for 58 in a 50 on a motorway. Middle of the night, road completely clear so just rolled off the throttle expecting roadworks or whatever to appear - absolutely nothing.

    This was on the M1 in Notts (I think) and was speed reduction to reduce pollution. I was rewarded with a Motorway speed awareness course rather than the general one.

    That was less than a year ago, and I have currently been offered the generic course.

    Maybe I should ditch the 999 and get a moped :(
    • Useful Useful x 1

  2. or pay attention??
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Course booked...........
  4. Well that's that done, not too painful, quite educational and cheaper than points and a fine. :)
    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. I'm due to Zoom in to the naughty step in January.... 37 in a 30 in the car - snapped by a mobile unit. Bugger - last time I was caught it was on the way to school when I was 17!
  6. I’m not sure I could sit there and be patronised and lied to listening to the sPeEd kIlLs propaganda when as any motorcyclist knows, other road users and pedestrians are much more endangered by wankers who are distracted by their phone, getting their individually climate controlled seat set to the perfect temperature, pouting at themselves in the aptly named vanity mirror and distracted by all sorts of other gadgets and toys which are at their disposal in modern vehicles.

    I rode past some dumb bimbo on the A41 the other day who appeared to be live-streaming herself on social media and was only glancing up at the road every second or two while doing 40mph.
    #26 Zhed46, Nov 11, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2021
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. Due to the entrapment technology used chances are if you were on one of the courses you would have been nicked on 4 wheels rather than 2 so you’d need to count yourself amongst those 4 wheelers?

    As for me I got caught by a brief lack of observation/auto pilot on a 5hr commute and missed the signage dropping the speed from 70 to 50. No doubt the police will claim the section of road is an accident black spot, despite being a straight section of dual carriageway, and not an ideal location to catch the maximum number of donators?

    to be honest though it wasn’t a condescending exercise in “your a naughty boy”, more a presentation on the Highway Code. Guess it all depends on the person instructing the course?
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Did mine a few weeks ago. Seemed like a fair trade for no points and tbh there was no
    holier than thou attitude at all. Also came away with a few more bits of highway code than I readily
    remembered. Thumbs up for the initiative as far as I'm concerned.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. You are somewhat misguided, if you get caught for the same offence in a given length of time. You will have the undisclosed 3-points added onto the new speeding offence. So its a double-whammy'

    The course has mitigated the event but not necessarily deleted its status in the eyes of the government.
  10. That aint correct.
    You just arent eligible for a second course within 3 yrs of the offence. You can have one for a different offence though such as
    driving without due care.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. When I did mine a few years ago I'd been caught driving my Discovery at 49mph in a 40mph limit.
    The course was run by two quite entertaining 'older' ladies who actually tried to make it fun.
    There was a real mixture of people there from quite elderly gents to a row of tracksuit bottom wearing miserable looking morons at the back.

    Unfortunately I found myself interacting with the instructors quite a lot.

    "All of you here were caught speeding in cars, but does anyone also ride a motorcycle?"
    My hand went up with just a couple of others and we spent a couple of minutes on how much more vulnerable bike riders are.

    "Does anyone drive a bigger vehicle like a large 4x4?"
    My hand went up, the only one, and we spent some time on how much longer a bigger vehicle takes to stop, the extra damage they do, and how unstable they can be. I did get a "well done" for not having a pedestrian killing bull bar.

    "Does anyone live in a rural area?"
    Again my hand was the only one to go up, and we talked about the additional hazards of rural driving.

    "Does anyone use their vehicle to tow anything?"
    Yet again mine was the only hand to go up.
    "Is it a small camping type trailer or bigger?"
    "How big?"
    "@8M long and over 3tns loaded"
    She nearly had a fit at this point, and we spent some time on the hazards of vehicles with additional weight and the speed limits for towing and commercial vehicles.

    At the coffee break one of the other delegates thanked me for keeping the instructors busy.

    I actually quite enjoyed my course, and learnt what a proper duel carriageway is.
    • Like Like x 3
  12. i have just done a zoom speed awareness course. the chap was quite funny and the 2 hours passed quickly.
    better than taking the points. i don't agree with how i was caught but the laws the law 36mph in a 30mph.
    steep downhill left hand bend black unmarked police bike hidden in a hedge with the copper all in black behind it with a camera on tripod
    • WTF WTF x 1
  13. I'm not sure where you got that information but it is wholly incorrect.

    A Speed Awareness course, once attended and your co operation confirmed by the trainer, ends all action regarding the offence stipulated in the correspondence.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. What a load of blind ignorant rubbish, typifying the general consensus that its everyone else and not me!

    The fault and responsibility starts with YOU the biker the driver the pedestrian whoever!
  15. Ooh, what a surprise - angry ex-plod who misquotes what was actually said.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. what a surprise uneducated "expert" hides behind the "you've misquoted me" line....
  17. I bet your one-sided roadside chats were enormous fun and boy you can't half tell that you miss lording it over people now that you don't have a uniform to hide behind.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. I knew a couple of older plod that had a pretty relaxed attitude to right time, right place speeding. Both bikers as it happens. No doubt there are dicks, and people that bring their problems to work in all walks of life though.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  19. Nope, you are still in cock territory.....always personal and as for the lording over it thats quite ironic coming from you!

    Have a research around unconscious incompetence.... your riding style!
  20. It seems both falsehood and victimhood come naturally to you as you’ve done your usual trick of steaming in with insults (#35 “blind ignorant rubbish”) but then when the same comes back at you, you have a bit of a cry. Plus, as you’ve never even seen me ride, you’re quite literally making stuff up!
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