After being blue lighted into a&e with a suspected heart attack, then a 100% clean bill of health after hours of several tests, there’s fuck all chance I’ll be getting a booster, or flu jab.
Sorry to hear this Bradders, hope it clears soon. Only thing you can take from it is that full on flu without the vaccination could be a lot worse. I’ve had proper flu twice and it took me out for a whole month each time.
Just on the back of Sams post Parainfluenza and influenza b I was hospitalised with and very poorly in isolation for 7 days,back in 2017 I had had a stem cell transplant at the time and my flu vaccine no longer in my body. I was on tamiflu while they grew cultures and they made antibiotics that were massive to treat both. I am advised to have the flu jab which I do and I have a sore arm and a bit achy. flu is real if you get it and can put you in hospital take the flu jab if you can There is a yellow card system for reporting side effects from vaccines Anything other than sore arm and aching I would be contacting a professional to just make sure your not putting symptoms down something that it isnt peace of mind is everything
If i don't get covid booster then I don't have a job. Simples. And I don't work in any type of health service.
Covid: Austrians heading towards lockdown for unvaccinated Austria has already banned the unvaccinated from going to restaurants, cinemas, ski lifts and hairdressers, but things are about to get even tougher in Upper Austria. The province is introducing a lockdown for the unvaccinated. This means that people who have not been vaccinated won't be able to leave home, unless it is for essential reasons like going to work, buying food or exercise.
I was pretty much forced as well. Speaking with our legal team though they’ve stressed that it’s a very precarious thing and can see it going tits up. Be very interested in the ramifications of this once the world is a bit more normal.
Very dark what's going on with the jab IMO. The latest announcement re NHS staff is very worrying, how long before unvaxxed/unbosted are refused care. Hope you'll get better soon.
Disgusting isn’t it. This government seem to be doing whatever the fuck they like whilst very much making it up as they go along. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such blatant corruption either. I’m convinced the government are trying to break the nhs so it’s ripe and supported for privatisation - on another note.
I've always been suspicious/cynical of government, there's always a sub-plot. The US is especially f*cked.
I’ve not had the Covid jab and I don’t seem to have ever caught it either. I remember having a bit of a mild cold about 6 months ago that seemed to last a bit longer than usual but I didn’t have any of the main symptoms such as persistent headache or loss of taste. It’s possible that I’ve had it without realising as I seem to have a really strong immune system - an example being that it recently cleared up an abscess in my tooth/jaw without the need for antibiotics or other treatment, but my girlf doesn’t seem to have had it either and she lives in that London which is supposedly a plague pit. I’m not an anti-vaxxer - it’s just that I’m really disorganised and I also haven’t been able to potentially write off a week’s work in advance just in case I suffer side-effects. I suppose I’ll have to have it at some point though or face being made to ring a bell and cry “Unclean! Unclean!” wherever I go. @bradders - GWS!
i've had both, no side effects, maybe a lil tired for a day or two, but i also know some right hardy hooers that have been floored by it. it's other folks choice if they refuse a jag or not. it's my choice if i consider an emplyee or a customer to be a risk to me or mine.. health and safty an all that.
The vax is obviously reducing the number of Covid hospitalisations. However the numbers of people going into hospital with CV19 is still high at around 9000 out of a total around 130K beds. If everyone has all the jabs, the majority of those 9000 beds will probably be freed up. These are also mainly specialised beds which are equipped with ICU essential for post op patients of all types. Additionally many beds are kept on standby to accommodate emergency Covid arrivals. Its easy to see the massive effect on the NHS abilities. If everyone does not have the jabs, the waiting lists for operations -currently at 5.8million- will increase.
My wife a front line nurse of forty years, retired but came back part time, she loves the job and the people she works with. Next April she will be retired permanently, they aren't taking into consideration the highly skilled staff that they are going to lose. A genuine quote. “Never felt the need to comment on anything until today. As a consultant orthopaedic surgeon working for the NHS for over 20 years now I remain unvaccinated. Two reasons for this. Firstly my sister had a severe adverse reaction to her vaccine and has been left with nerve damage to the extent she is now unable to walk unaided. We are still trying to find a solution to her predicament. Secondly, I have already had Covid so will have already acquired a degree of natural immunity. Yet this is not being taken into account? Sadly therefore if this mandate passes I will be leaving the NHS before Xmas and will concentrate going forward on my private work. I feel very sorry for the many lovely NHS patients on my waiting list that I will be unable to treat but forced vaccination is a line in the sand I simply cannot not agree with. I know many colleagues, both vaccinated and unvaccinated who feel the same.” I really don't know what the eff is going on here right now. I'm not a anti vaxer, had my share of jabs over the years, but they had all been through the usual trials that take several years, not months.
Tbh, that is also part of the reason why I haven't had the jab yet. I'm not one of those crackpots who thinks the vaccine contains a chip which will allow Bill Gates to track and control me via my local mobile phone mast, but it was rushed to market and as far as I'm concerned the past year has been the de facto human trials period, with some moderately concerning results re: side-effects which although very rare can be very serious. Given that I've almost certainly been exposed to and built up immunity to Covid without the slightest adverse consequence, I'm vacillating about whether to have the jab. I know we've been told it's safe but frankly, the bodies who are telling us that don't exactly have an unblemished trick record for competence, honesty and openness. IIRC, when the first anecdotal reports of the vaccine causing blood clots started appearing, the pharma companies and Govt advisers pooh poohed them, only then to do a u turn and admit there was a small risk. Tbh, I would not be at all surprised if there is more to come in future re: long term side effects
When the vaccine was first announced to a waiting world it was greeted like the second coming. World in lock-down, dead forecasted in massive numbers, temp' hospitals being constructed, rumor's of huge body bag orders and plague pits being dug. I was tempted to have it at this point, anything to get back to 'normal'. Since then it's metastasized into the fucking shit show we're now in; It may have side effects It may/may not protect you It may/may not prevent you from spreading it No jab/no job Masks Travel misery 1 jab, 2 jab, 3 jab, 4 Bored of seeing 'the numbers', while most people are focusing on the left hand, the right hand is properly fisting you, look-up and see what else is happening.
The vax has now been extensively tested after more than 100million jabs being administered in the UK alone. No other jab was ever tested as much or intensely as these Covid jabs. That they did it in record time with more human volunteers than ever before was a risk to the volunteers but one you can benefit from. BTW, where are all the millions of blood clot victims now? Of course there are some, but AFAIK its not very many as a percentage of the vaxxed people. There is one certainty that has come out of all this vaxxing. Less dead Covid patients.
I find myself in the sad position where there’s more shady looking stuff that makes no sense than makes sense. Very sad times. I wouldn’t trust this government, it’s advisors or the press as far as I could throw them.