If you crash in Wales .................

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnv, Jul 4, 2013.

  1. Since when is a country a state?
  2. State - an organized political community, living under a government
  3. I heard that doctors will still speak to family before doing any organ taking.
    Possibly letting your family know your intentions will help to preserve you.

    I changed my mind about donating as I have a work colleague who needed a kidney transplant.
    He continued to work through transfusions but this left him unable to have a "normal" life even a holiday needed a strict timetable and nursing which put a strain on his personal life.
    It was heartbreaking talking to him and depression is present
    The good news is he has had his transplant he looks fantastic he is still working and his life has returned to being able to do things we take for granted.
    He is having a BBQ to celebrate a year of his transplant
    To see this change gave me the push I needed to help someone one day if I can it makes more than a world of difference to people waiting for a new organ
    There is nothing else you can do for them while they go down hill but give a gift or glimmer of hope by going on the donor list
  4. So can I have your bits or what?
  5. Course you can :)
  6. :upyeah:
  7. The word Harvest used in this context gives me the heebeegeebees!
    During my last trip to A&E one of the nurse let slip that in the hospital bikers are collectively known as "donors" .

  8. Perhaps they should make Wales a 'no open road speed limit for m/cycles, no policing zone', I'm sure that would increase organ availability exponentially. :upyeah:
  9. Great bit of lateral thinking :upyeah:
  10. I suspect that most of us don't care what happens to our bits after we have died, but would prefer they are put to good use, if possible. The real issue is for the loved ones we leave behind. I think is is their consent that should be sought.
  11. In NZ, donor or not, next of kin consent has to be given or no donation.
  12. unless my wife wants to make a frankensteins monster, i can't think of any use she would for me after i'm gone...
  13. I was going to fertilise the garden
  14. Thought this may be of use in case anyone is considering becoming a blood donor:

    Give Blood - do something amazing give Blood

    Groups O Rh Negative & B Rh Negative are in very short supply - so the more people who donate, the greater chance to replenish the less common stocks.
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