This Seasons Flu

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Nov 11, 2021.

  1. From reading your account, it sound likely that the fellow would have reached the same situation with or without Covid playing a part in the doctors availability. I could be wrong of course.
  2. I don’t think he would as he regularly used to go and have his dressings changed and have his legs examined at the GP’s clinic. However, when the UK went into lockdown he was more or less just left to his own devices, so not only weren’t his dressings being changed there was nobody to spot the infection and nip it in the bud, meaning that eventually his legs turned gangrenous. He also reckons that the sepsis turned him (to use his words) “a bit doo lally” as he didn’t realise how unwell he was until it was too late and he generally wasn’t thinking clearly.
  3. What a sad and awful tale. Glad that he lived to tell it, as I am that the other old people who are susceptible to Covid have lived to do so aswell following the arrival of the vaxx. I wish others saw it the same way and made a conscious effort to get vaxxed themselves. Therefore saving people who cannot. for one reason or another.
  4. Included in my breakfast mail this morning was a letter from my cancer consultant telling me that I need yet a third jab to be followed up with a booster jab because of my immune suppressed condition.What fun it is when you suffer from cancer and undergoing immunotherapy treatment.The people looking after me are wonderful but sometimes I don’t know whether I am on my backside or my elbow.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. My point (implied) was that it seems the decision to shut down the country was done in a very simplistic, clumsy and blinkered fashion without any consideration for the knock on effects. For example, the austerity measures between 2010 - 2020 are believed to have cost c.130,000 lives with God alone knows how many millions of other lives seriously affected in many different ways due to poverty and the associated despair. It’s easy for those who have been fortunate to live comfortable lives to breezily advocate the loss of jobs, businesses, homes, happiness, hope, security and dignity that life on the breadline entails, but having been there myself, I can tell you it f*cking sucks. It’s frightening and it’s humiliating.

    It would not surprise me in the slightest if it turns out that the lockdowns have, indirectly, killed more people and created more misery than Covid would have.

    The response in this country was the absolute worst of both worlds in that the Govt dithered and then shut the stable door after the horse had bolted (several times).
    #85 Zhed46, Nov 13, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2021
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  6. You’re still missing the point many have made. Even if that point is not what many want to hear.
    he won’t accept the point. It’s been made many times. No one cares about the poor. Doubly so working class poor. And the argument given is always by people with a good job/retirement wage, own homes etc. I’ve mates who I’m astounded at how much vitriol they put into someone who either wants a party (!) back last year or doesn’t want the vaccine.
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  7. It’s a shitter mate. I’ve only got last legs (I hope) of flu and there have been times at 4 in the morning I’m hacking and sweating and freezing and can’t sleep for the 4th night when I was saying ‘heart attack in my sleep would be a blessing!’ Can’t imagine what it’s like to put up with that :(
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. I'm sat here with Covid and your reaction to this Flu jab sounds worse than what I'm experiencing. Granted, still not nice like any illness and it is lingering a bit.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  9. And as said I’m not someone who gets that ill. Lots of small sniffles normally, worst case I can easily work at home
  10. Never mind, lockdown 3.0 is coming
  11. Government own christmas now.
  12. Yep, and when then can’t blame covid any longer, they’ll shift to fucking climate change :rolleyes:
    • Agree Agree x 3
  13. Everyone knows flu cannot be eradicated, vaccines help reduce impact when you do get it, so if the vaccination plan so far isn’t enough to remove all the rules and give back ALL the liberties taken, then it’s like this forever
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  14. Or the authorities will find a new enemy to keep us all cowed and compliant. Unfortunately, for the last couple of decades 1984 has been used as an instruction manual rather than a warning.
    • Agree Agree x 6
  15. If you’ve done nothing wrong, you’ve got nothing to hide. Greater good.

    So you don’t think lives are important enough to save by not having vaccine. Selfish

    So you don’t think lives are important enough to save by shutting a few shops? Greater good.

    You think having a social life is more important than saving lives? Selfish.

    Mental health? We can sort that out later: you can’t bring back the dead! Greater good.
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  16. A bit like the government’s handbook instructions on COVID-19 taken directly from the 2011 film Contagion!
    • WTF WTF x 1
  17. Is that true???
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. As true as anything else reported probably
  19. If only it had been. it was like mirror to reality.
  20. I had my flu jab 2 weeks ago and my 3rd COVID jab on Friday just gone. I can report no ill effects from the flu jab and the feeling as if someone had stuck a needle in my arm from the COVID jab. That lasted about a day. I don't know what was in the vaccines, nor do I know what was in the tetanus, polio, diphtheria, yellow fever, whooping cough, hepatitis etc vaccines or which of the many available I had, never mind who made them. What I do know is that I'm still alive and I never had any of the debilitating illnesses that those vaccines protect me from. I was very happy to receive a tetanus shot a few weeks ago when I was bitten by a squirrel. It was a triple vaccine. Can't remember what else it protects me from and again, I failed to make sure this particular vaccine was tested sufficiently and thoroughly. Likewise the antibiotics I got on the same occasion. Not a clue who made them and how they were tested. They didn't kill me, a subsequent infection from a wild animal bite on the other hand might have.
    I'd like to think that having all those vaccines not only protects me but also the wider public as I'm less likely to spread disease. The fact that we rarely see people living with the effects of polio and we rarely have deaths from measels etc, where as in counties without the privilege of vaccinations these illnesses are still prevalent and kill or debilitate people is proof enough for me that vaccinations work.
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