I wonder what the chances of death by squirrel are, this is the sort of thing that'll keep me up at night
Quite high according to this documentary. And rabies is pretty unpleasant too, although thankfully rare in the UK.
I also got bitten by a squirrel in 2011. I’d found it near death by the side of the road after if had been hit by a car so I took it indoors to let it die in peace rather than being eaten alive by a fox or a crow. Rather than dying, it gradually got better, though it was blind and couldn’t walk properly for a while. I knew it was ready to go back out into the wild though when it broke out of the wooden box I kept it in and I twice came home from court to find it doing wall of death laps of my living room but then hid under the bottom stair, growling at me like a dog whenever I came near. So I put on bike gloves and a helmet and after gently coaxing it out of its Fortress of Solitude with a pool cue, I picked it up and the ungrateful little bastard bit straight through the double thickness cowhide and down to the bone of my finger.
Crikey, I think you might be onto something sinister here. And "Doe eyes my arse", that's no way to speak about Kay Burley
The little ungrateful bastard, wonder if we'll need a lockdown when they become more active again in the spring
Good job the squirrel didn’t watch Gold with all those ads for blame claims. She’s could have been on the wrong end of a NUTS* claim. *Not Ur Tree Settlement
Once you have one you’re a caught in an odd legal Catch 22. You can’t keep it as a pet as they’re a wild animal but by section 14 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) you can’t release it back into the wild either as they’re classed as a non-indigenous vermin species. When it bit me l dropped it like a hot potato and it escaped through the open front door then into the woods at the back of my house, so the problem solved itself.
I don’t think the masses are anti vaccine. It’s the mandate bit that gets people agitated. And I understand that…
Calling someone 'anti-vaxxer' is usually a weak minded pathetic way of trying to shut down debate. Usually when the people slinging that accusation are those happy to go along with everything the media and government tell them on covid measures, yet on the other hand are equally happy to state how much they distrust the government and that tories are currupt. It's quite a bizarre thing to see The matter that non scientific or evidence based mandates are being rolled out by governments doesn't bother them at all, mainly because they're shit scared. There are proper anti vaxxers, and you know what that's free will, their body so wtf has it got to do with anyone But applying anti vaxxer to people against these completely non health related mandates is just a ridiculous position to take Then again, you see all the media use it in headlines. Netherlands protest was against the lockdown mandate, that's not anti vax yet every headline uses 'anti vaxxer' Same with the massive Italian protests, barely any coverage yet whenever it is again it's called anti vaxxers They're just being played like a bunch of cowardly scared fiddles frankly Take the vaccine if you want to and need to, that's all it ever should have been I took the vaccine as soon as I could because I was told by the government (who's telling every one else) that I could travel when I did. I was lied to, pure and simple. They alluded to travel being allowed when you were vaccinated, not another 4 months afterwards. No matter, I'm double jabbed and have managed to make 3 business trips recently because of that
An insightful 6 minute video removed from YouTube, can't help but question why. It's by a Dr Peter Doshi, he's the associate editor of the very well known and referenced BMJ. Here's the BMJ site and an outline of their values, all looks good right? Evidence based, unbiased, transparent, trusted, all values they work to https://www.bmj.com/company/who-we-are/values/ So why would this video adhering to those values, especially evidence based & transparent, be blocked on social media? It's not 'anti vax', it's not Pro vax, it's just simply logical pragmatic questioning by someone qualified enough to speak up. Make of it what you will, but he's hardly a shock jock or a foaming at the mouth placard waver at a protest march Honestly would be better than anything wouldn't it https://mark-skidmore.com/2021/11/06/dr-peter-doshis-remarkable-speech-everybody-knows/
After nursing him back to health with a diet of Ryvita and peanut butter it would have been poor form to then trap and gas him!
I’ll have a look at those links later but (if true) that silencing of dissent is exactly what I was referring to in earlier posts and which, if anything, actually undermines rather than increases my trust in the medical and political establishment. For one thing, doing science properly requires the very opposite of monolithic orthodoxy by debating and debunking theories and evidence. If he’s wrong, then his errors should be exposed and published rather than swept out of sight and labelled “dangerous misinformation”. Not only that, but the power wielded by a handful of nerdy guys and girls in Silicon Valley who get to decide what is truth and what is untruth really worries me. FWIW, I also disagree with the de-platforming of Donald Trump (who I utterly despise) because not only does it feed into his and his cultish followers’ sense of victimhood and conspiracy, but “He who can silence a king, is the king” and I don’t want Mark Zuckerberg reigning over the world.
I watched the video and what he says about the shutting down of critical thinking and curiosity is spot on but it was to be expected. Humans like to think we are open minded and endlessly curious but the reality is that we also seek conformity and can tend to slip into group-think. As humans are merely monkeys who have learned a few interesting party tricks and we then spent 99% of our time as Homo Sapiens living in small tribal groups where questioning eg: why the sun rose in the East and set in the West too deeply could anger the Gods and cause the next hunt to fail, such dangerous individuals had to be silenced, shunned or killed. History shows that every age not only has its orthodoxy that must be upheld and purified by the burning of heretics, but also that interest groups will use those beliefs in order to control seize and solidify power (and profit) and to control populations. For a long time religion was used for that purpose, with the Church growing enormously rich and powerful as a result (and just ask Giordano Bruno how a bit of blue sky thinking about the nature of stars went down with the Catholic Church in the 16th Century), but there have been many other belief systems and political movements used for the same purpose. Dr Doshi references the unusual requirement for the vaccine (which he states in terms, unlike most vaccines, is palliative rather than preventative) to be re-administered every 6 months. Cui bono?
Exactly this. I'm more saddened with the world today than at any point I can remember. Cancel culture, silencing of debate or opposing opinion is wrong on so many levels. There's a growing group of forgotten people in the world, certainly this country, who are centrist and also fairly liberal in outlook. I'm one of them. Why should 'companies' such as SM, who's sole purpose is to generate revenues get to say what's right or wrong in the world? For a start it means they can be bought, and so can our government by all accounts, it's just not the right way forward. This whole practice of shutting down debate just because you are offended by the view or opinion is ridiculous, it certainly doesn't show those people wanting everything shut down or removed in good light. It actually makes them appear the complete opposite of the inclusive accepting type they profess to be, it also makes them look weak The Covid public health psychology strategy has done some seriously bad things to people, some mindsets have been screwed up massively