Rigsby my cat died today:frown: And my mint TT is up for sale on eBay to fund rip off stamp duty as moving house soon. Not the best day ever. Least 2moro will most likely be better:smile:
Feel for you. We've had a cat pass away a few years ago and we were heart broken. Stamp duty. A cheeky bloke I know got the house owners to 'officially' sell for less to get the sale price below that where stamp duty is added, and gave them the difference in cash. Saved him a few thou. Not sure if stamp duty can be got around like that still, damn cheeky he was!
Cheers. Lol el t!! Price reduction be nice, but knocking approx 40% might be pushing our luck. Nice house, but no car and bigger mortgage than I really wanted (wife's choice). And poor Rigsby still dead!!
Not really, you pay say £249,000 for the house, then an extra £35000 for fixtures and fittings:wink: so only the 1% stamp and not 3%
Sorry to hear about the loss of your cat. If its any consolation, just think of all the fun you'll be having decorating the new gaff....oh hang on, thats not going to help is it?
the 3% stamp duty kicks in at £250,001. You won't get away with much more than a couple of thousand on fixtures and fittings and the seller would have to provide a detailed inventory of the additional items and costs per item, revenue and customs are all over these transactions and if fraudulant, the agent and solicitor could also face prosecution. Crazy system though, no wonder you can't sell a house for £275,000, everyone wants to bid £250,000. A flat rate of stamp duty like the old days is the answer, it would get the housing market going.
Fair one, but its still a conscious effort to defraud the state out of tax by getting creative with the house price. Not really ethical is it.
Sounds good to me!! Just under 13k tax I gotta find, for the honour of housing myself. Thought the govt was in favour of people housing themselves - or is that scroungers et al housing themselves at others expense? Of course, that's the one lol....
Like I said, this guy I know is a cheeky cheeky bugger, even stuff like claiming back vat on fuel receipts for his *cough, technically legit online registered business, that weren't even his fuel receipts. Aka travel expenses. Somehow people like him always seem to do well in life and dodge any misfortunes.
Interesting as I am about to renew my home insurance with contents of approx. £75k. A good chunk of this is for replacement kitchen and bathroom in the even of a fire so not a huge leap to argue £35k for fixtures and fittings if you add carpets, wardrobes etc. As others have said, a flat % tax is much more sensible as no artificial price points get created that way.
You want a big flash house, you pay the price. The stamp duty thresholds have already changed. Don't get me wrong, Im all in favour of saving money, but this one would be too big a risk for me. And to find a solicitor that would do the conveyancing calls their ethics to account also. ps. Sort about your cat. It will be a sad day for us when ours goes.
Look on the bright side at least you don't need to worry about the cat going missing from your new pad. :biggrin: OOOPPHHS . here's hoping you've got a sense of humour.
Stamp duty should be like income tax and you only pay the rate on each portion in eack bracket. On second thoughts you shouldnt pay stamp duty at all just for the pleasure of moving!!!!