The rubber handlebar grips on my bike are looking tired. I was planning to replace them. Measured the diameter after peeling back over the heating element and they are 27mm. Ducati will sell me the replacement heated grips at £180!!! Most replacements are 22mm dia. Does anyone know where 27mm dia grips can be sourced?
I'd think that the throttle side grip from most replacement sets would fit. You'd need to buy 2 sets but still far less than £150.
Grip Puppies are about £15 a pair. Heaters work through them. More comfortable to hold. Wear well, I have over 10k on mine. Looks are subjective?
Go and pester your local dealer for a set of replacements under warranty. Nothing ventured, nothing gained :smile:
+1 for Grip Puppies. I find the standard grips are a bit slender so these help bulk them up a bit and, as was stated, heated grips work fine through them. Nick
-1 on the grip puppies for me, they lasted 20 minutes on my bike. Too bulky and robbed some of the feel through the bars. I have gone with the cricket bat rubber idea to prevent the grips wearing too much.
Thanks for all the advice. Think I will try the throttle grip solution. Stretching 23mm over to 27mm might be hard work.
TRY IT !!!!!! it really does work and I have just replaced my cricket bat grip with another as it did split after a year...... the ducati origanal grip still looks new and replacement grip was £2
I've tried the 'cricket bat' grip idea and it has been brilliant, could post some finished photo's if anyone is interested? Colour co-ordinated too!!... :biggrin:
Left & right hand sides using Puma grip material in red & grey. I don't think it looks too bad and certainly better than paying Ducati over £250 to have the entire set-up replaced, which is what Riders, Bristol advised me of, due to the grips themselves not being available :frown: :smile:
I had the heated grips replaced under warranty at about 6000 miles. The second set are much better rubber and at 16,500 miles still look like new.
Being an ex South African I bought the SA colours, but I am sure they are available in the British Union Jack...for the patriots amongs us. Lasted a year before they cracked, but at 2-3quid ill keep replacing them instead of the Ducati grips at exhorbitant prices....PS the new ones are red and black....cut them in half, the red half is being used and saved the black for next year
the best grip for me "SpiderGrips" Introducing the New Spider PEAK Grip! — Spider Grips and the best install trick "Hairspray"