
Discussion in 'Other Bikes' started by mike willis, Nov 17, 2021.

  1. Out on my bike today, chilly and bright, perfect.
    Stuck in the traffic was a guy on a VW based trike, I don't get it.
    All the worst bits of a car like being stuck in traffic with all the worst bit of a bike, cold and wet with none of the advantages of a bike, freedom.
    It may satisfy the engineering urge and the maverick ownership but I cannot see any real benefit.
    I was probably home by the time he was out of that traffic jam.
    Those horizontal bicycles come a close second on the bonkers front along with a tricycle.
    All very odd.
    • Agree Agree x 6
  2. A bit like those nutters on quads? And then there’s the whole “it’s got 3 (or 4) wheels so why would I need to wear anything resembling a jacket or a helmet? Yeah good luck with that when your fired from your ride like a canonball
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Thread moved
  4. Some are bikers who need wheel chairs. Some may be bike licence owners who need something all weathers but don’t like the thought of two wheels when it’s frosted or a delboy mobile. Some just like the engineering. Some line to include the family, like an old sidecar outfit
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. If you’re referring to recumbent bicycles for pure speed and ergonomics they make perfect sense, a recumbent will always be faster than a traditional type bicycle for the same watts used.

    However they’re crazy from a safety point of view as there are far too many inattentive motorists.
  6. Really? So Bradley wiggins would have been quicker on a legs forward bikes than he would his regular one?
  7. If the rules allowed yes he would, Brad on a recumbent would totally pax Brad on a conventional bike.

    It’s not pleasant being hunted by a recumbent nor a tandem……….
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Why haven’t they then? Is it that you can’t create the number of watts that you can on a normal bike? And if so what’s the constraint?

    sorry for thread drift but find that fascinating given the investment made to go 0.05% faster
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  9. They disappear really quick in the blind spot of my van.
  10. Probably because the rules state 2 wheel bicycle?
  11. It’s against the rules to ride a recumbent in let’s say the Tour de France, it has to be a traditional bicycle bladders. Which will be down to the cycle manufacturers/race organisers to come up with the rules that suit them.

    There are a lot of rules for competition as you’ll be aware from your racing days.
  12. Recumbents are available with 2 wheels too, it’ll be in the rules.
  13. So is recumbent
  14. that’s why it’s a blind spot.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. A couple of old friends in the past had these three wheel machines, all because they hadn't passed their solo test.
  16. ....Agree....and NONE of the handling of either, to boot.

    Mind you, at one point I really fancied a Bond Bug (in yellow, of course) but luckily, youthful poverty intervened and saved me.

    Then in the late 1980s I lived in Bedfordshire. Near the motorbike shop in Flitwick was a ginormous govt. surplus dealer, E.W.Vass. In one quiet corner, they had a massive stash of remember, those horrible blue 3-wheeler single seater invalid carriages, powered by a miniscule Villiers engine.

    I always thought it would be a great wheeze to reframe one and stick a Z1000 motor in it...
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Tbf I quite fancy a side car outfit. No idea why.
  18. That's slightly different, a three wheeler has no bike benefits and some car likeness.
    Three wheelers are one thing, trikes however are most definately another.
    You could drive a three wheeler on a bike licence, that was the attraction I think.
    What on earth is the attraction of a trike?
  19. You fancy what? Messing up the handling of a perfectly decent bike?
  20. I love the idea of an old wax jacket, jeans and boots with open face lid tracking thru the countryside
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