First World Problems

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Wasted Time Lord, Nov 21, 2021.

  1. I have a problem.
    I bought another Strat.
    Now I had more Ensenada-made Strats than Corona.

    So I bought yet another Strat. Now there's parity restored re: which side of the wage-border they were assembled; but the maple/non-maple proportion is glaringly unbalanced!

    I don't have a Pau Ferro, but if I get one, the Ensenada/Corona balance will be lost, so actually I'll have to get another two - one of each. Neither maple!

    Frankly what I'm spending horrifies me: so I appear to have resisted getting the one with a solid rosewood neck.

    But what is interesting is a Special Run version with Roasted Maple. Which is, well... maple.
    But in being roasted, it is darker! So maybe I should change the not-maple requirement to not-traditional-maple?

    Only that's also an Ensenada model, so I would still need to spend upwards of £1000 on another one from Corona. With a not-traditional-maple.

    Well. There's always the one with solid rosewood. After all, I've proved I can resist buying it... so I can reward myself for that by buying it!

    Okay, let's start again.

    The most bikes I owned at any one time was three and it didn't feel 'OCD' of me. The acquisitiveness does feel related to the 'who dies with the most toys...' theory, though it's never felt competitive. So not the most toys but a surplus. In that sense it does feel like, say, storing food; which I suppose amounts to hoarding. Sublimated. People fighting over bargains in the sales, blindly accumulating, like batteries, in an opaque urge to ensure security and longevity with totems and mandelas; oblivious to the inevitable foreshortening of their time as a consequence of the sedentary lifestyle thus enabled. Yet the collecting impulse could have beneficial implications: riding powerful motorcycles exercises certain muscle groups and awareness, and practises judgement calling; playing stringed or keyboard instruments exercises fine motor control and imagination. These are valuable pursuits in which to engage, so long as we maintain balance and do not become so emotionally-involved as to live awash in the toxins of sleeplessness and stress.

    So, if I get an Ensenada Strat with Pau Ferro, essentially I'll be replicating what I've already got, fretboard aside; but if I go for Roasted Maple I'll be paying a hell of a lot more just for that - and Fat 50s pick-ups - but they've all got their own 'unique' take on the single-coil pick-up. The most unique Pau Ferro guitar is in Shell Pink, and apparently one is paying half as much again just for that colour! And I can't get one in Graffiti Yellow because...?

    It is a truism that the more expensive the version of any one product, the more the 'value' of it is purely exclusivity. And while Strats made in Mexico are cheap compared to those made in the U.S., it does seem that the same sliding scale now applies there.

    I should call it quits. I have eight Fender Stratocasters.

    I could have bought another Ducati.

    But if I get two more, I'll have ten, and that is a nice round number!

    Some might say "How many can you play?" But that brings to mind the Kevin Turvey joke about not having a watch and what you ask a man with no arms and no legs.

    No, I don't know if I'm OCD (OCR, for sure). Dindins will be a baked potato - so at least I'll be happy! ;)

    This emoji looks like Harpo Marx -> o_O

    Forgot to add that I sliced my finger so can't play any of them! Which reminds one of Boromir, marvelling at Frodo's ring.
    #1 Wasted Time Lord, Nov 21, 2021
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2021
  2. Do you feel better getting that all off your chest?
    Something about guitars I think? ;)
  3. Bloody 'Ell, 'e strung that thread out a bit...... I thought it went a bit flat at the end..
    • Funny Funny x 2
  4. You’re clearly bonkers.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  5. He’s in the best company
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. Sounds like magic mushroom tunes to me.
    Instead of more Strats, maybe a nice white flying V and a black SG. I know where there are two nice examples.
  7. Ever thought of shifting away from the Fender to other brands?
    Just the same as owning Ducati and KTM at the same time.
  8. a good shop, bought my last instrument there a couple of years ago but funny you should mention the delivery company they use as they left aforementioned item on doorstep without ringing doorbell or obtaining signature, and it had damage through box - unbelievable. luckily all ok and no damage.
  9. Whenever I read your posts I do so with a heavy Welsh accent, it seems to make more sense to me!
    Hope you’re not offended by this intrusion
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Looking at a Sire acoustic in the near future!
    I would have put up a thumbs up there but sadly I don’t have the option, so a mildly smirking face it is.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. I genuinely don't know what to say to that. I thought I did, but it evaded me.

    I think I must be tired, look you! I appear to be thinking in a heavy Welsh accent now, boyo!
    • Funny Funny x 2
  12. yake dar?
  13. Seemingly good value for the money also.
    In a fit of inebriated generosity I gave my Tanglewood away last month so I need to replace it.
    Hopefully I’ll get to a music shop this week wifey wants me to stop playing her Fender!
    #13 Carr01, Nov 22, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2021
  14. I just can't get on with strats. Not at all. I don't like them.
    I have a Gibson, a PRS (private stock), a couple of teles, and I've just bought the most beautiful pje bangers and mash telecaster, which I play mostly.
    It's a beaut
  15. Ha ha, who does!
  16. And to you.
  17. This is my latest, and current go to _20211124_105007.JPG
    • Like Like x 3
    • Love You Love You x 1
  18. It also has a worn in look, so I'm not as precious about it which suits me.
    It sounds great, which is the main thing.
    I just need the front volume knob tightened as whatever way I play,I tend to knock it.
    The fretwires feel ever so slightly higher than on my other guitars, but you get used to that pretty quickly.
    It's a beautiful thing.
    Apparently he has only made three of them to date.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. Lovely
    • Agree Agree x 2
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