T Shirt And Shorts

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by clueless, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. Own up time!!!
    How many of you on holiday in one of the Greek Isles rented a moped or a 125 etc and rode it in shorts and a T shirt ?
    I did :smile:
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  2. I cant imagine that Clueless was thrashing it around hedge to hedge. Personally I'll never wear shorts and a t shirt on a motorbike. Its full leathers 99.9% of the time for me. I feel at risk when I ride the two miles back home after walking to the dealers and thats because I dont have my leather trousers and bike boots on. I still wear jacket, back protector, gloves etc thou
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  3. My 19 year old son always wears his leathers on his xr 125. He frowns at me when I pop up the road in my jeans and hoody.:rolleyes:

    I'm not being a smart arse and I may regret it some day. Perhaps I'm just lazy but I do love riding without protection.

    Saying that, I nearly always wear my leathers and I do ride very conservatively when I'm not !:smile:
  4. Not many of us don't ;-)
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  5. And that's when you get caught out. Can't quite remember the stats but think its something like an inch of skin per second at 30mph or something like that.

    im no angel though, the minimum I wear is jacket(textile/leather), always have decent boots on, gloves and helmet.
  6. Some folks seem to think there's a direct correlation between incorrect attire and crashing. There isn't, generally people ride more carefully in skimpy kit. And while it may be a risky thing to do, I'd like to find out how many of you who insist on wearing full leathers every time also try to give themselves incurable cancer by smoking, or rot their innards with alcohol. Y'see, the trouble with us humans is that we're not always rational; if we were Ducati would never sell another motorcycle again.

    Thank god for freedom of choice, without it we'd be mere machines.
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  7. Risk = Probability * Consequence

    What level of risk we are comfortable with and how we choose to reduce that risk should be a personal decision based upon an understanding of the issues.
  8. Figs hit the nail on the head, how many people don't wear eye protection when using an angle grinder , or even have the guard on it (coz it gets in the way), who uses a strimmer in the garden without protection, cuts their lawn wearing a set of trainers. Me. And you and every other person does stuff without proper safety gear , some have higher horses to fall off than others, lol.
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  9. Very well said Sir.

    Motorbikes and safety ? Not really.:wink:
  10. Like not wearing gloves, having legs on show (even in jeans to a lesser extent) its not the risk of falling off imo its the big stones that png up and have no buffer before you get a whack
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  11. I've often thought that the majority if people who ride bikes wearing jeans etc are the ones that have been doing it for years because when they started riding they couldn't afford a lot of expensive kit whereas the riders who started riding at an older age could usually afford to start with better kit and just use it from force of habit.

    I just make my mind up according to the weather and where I'm going which meant that this morning it was trainers, jeans and a leather jacket when I took the bike to have new tyres fitted.
  12. Doesn't matter how carefully YOU are riding - sooner or later you will come across Mrs Octagenarian Myopic Brain-dead Volvo Driver trying to kill you. Then you'll wish you were wearing the right kit. It especially bugs me when you see kids riding about on 125's and scooters, with flashy crash helmets that cost more than the bike did, and no gloves... 99.9% of the time the first thing that's going to hit the ground when you fall off is your hands - NEVER ride without decent gloves on. Minimum kit for me is textile jacket with back protector, kevlar jeans, boots, gloves - even on the scooter, no matter how warm it is. I learnt from experience - it bloody huts when you fall off, and the older you get the more it hurts ! Having said all that - it's s free country, your choice, but don't say you weren't warned...
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  13. Like probably most people who have been biking for 30 years, I've fallen off on numerous occasions for various reasons (mostly my own fault).

    I wore out several pairs of jeans in my 20s.

    I used to commute to work in Sydney in my suit trousers, office shoes and a padded bomber jacket. I had full leathers in my wardrobe back in the flat. One day, the front washed out on a nice bend due to oil left by buses (it doesn't rain that much in Sydney). I had quite enough gravel rash (though nothing in the scheme of things). I was picked up by a commuting couple in full leathers who told me that they always wore them.

    I'm not totally dumb. I got the message. If I'd been wearing my kit, I wouldn't be feeling quite so ill. Ever afterwards, I have always worn full leathers and the other stuff. OK, if I'm popping up the road to clean the bike, it might be just a textile jacket, jeans, ankle boots and gloves, but even that feels odd.

    So go ahead and ride in t-shirt and shorts if you like. Not my skin/body/life. Or you can listen to people who found out the hard way. At the end of the day, it makes no difference to me, it really doesn't.
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  14. I have just seen a guy in leathers with a girl of about 9 !!!! as pillion with shorts and pink tshirt on wtf.....

    Be stupid on your own but jesh what happens if she falls off
    Unbelievable 
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  15. Hold a belt sander on your elbow .........press hard as its not as abrasive as asphalt
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  16. I have had two nasties and both times were the rare occasions when I wasn't wearing leathers...........

    1) I can vouch for gravel rash.......all up my left forearm.......

    2) .........and if I had been wearing decent boots, I may not have had the artery cut in the ankle area.....


    But 'kin hell.......I know we have all been moaning about the weather, but it goes from one extreme to the other........I was out for two hours today in black leather (50 mile trip)............I was soaked when I got back......and it wasn't my bladder that had let go.
    #36 Ghost Rider, Jul 6, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2013
  17. Your right ...... I was training first thing then out with pixie and ET .......I've been in leathers all day , kin ell I am properly piss like iron bru dehydrated ........ But same sketch tommorow , remember though on a more serious note if you are togged up rehydrate !!!!!! As its just as dangerous as your concentration levels drop like a stone .......
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  18. At 30 miles per hour on an average road surface if you go down on bare flesh you lose an inch depth of flesh and bone for every metre travelled, i know what id rather wear, but each to his/her own
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  19. I did, but I was a complete twat in those days for many reasons.
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  20. Me, me, me!..............but I was on a pedalo.

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