This Seasons Flu

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Nov 11, 2021.

  1. After 11 days, I still feel about 60% ok, am pretty much deaf in one ear still and the other comes and goes, have more energy but get drained quickly if I go for a walk or anything and will go back to work regardless next week. I’ve had flu a couple of times, think I had covid right at the start when I was wiped out for 5 days but nothing like this. Not even close. Ime you hit a point where you get more energy and feel just like a bit of a cold and within a day or two after that you feel back to 90%

    It’s a shocker people.
    • Love You Love You x 2
  2. GWS dude.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  3. Do you know, 5 weeks on (I think) now and I am still deaf in one ear, have a recurring cough that varies from every couple of hours to lots all afternoon and still feel ‘off piste’.

    Don’t get it people. It’s a bastard.
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  4. After five weeks you still have an ear/ hearing problem. Have you seen the doc again? Is it affecting your balance? I hope it gets sorted ASAP.
  5. Monday next week. They said I have to leave 4 weeks.
  6. Have you tried olive oil for the ear?
    Congratulations on getting a doctors appointment, around here they all appear to have achieved rapture, none have been seen since the onset of this covid bollox.
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  7. Was on nasal steroids for 18 days.
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