First World Problems

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Wasted Time Lord, Nov 21, 2021.

  1. I just get the luthier to put a rubber pad underneath and it is steady enough then.
  2. I read an article by a guitarist recently which I think I agree with absolutely. It's all about the neck. You can tweak everything else.
  3. Taurus, nice!
  4. DSC_0525.JPG
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  5. Another baby
  6. Tomorrow hopefully

    Now get back to Sunday’s your playing havoc with my time continuum!
    • Funny Funny x 2
  7. what bugs me, being a frustrated never-mastered-a-guitar amateur musician, is that we don't get to hear anyone playing any instruments that might illustrate the subtly different tones and sounds being talked about here, Have any of you put any YouTube etc footage up? - don't be shy now..
  8. 33090074-070D-4905-B587-AF8C98BA77E2.jpeg
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  9. i was going to ask the same. it looks like the same stuff a mate made a Bass from. stunk to high heaven when worked. he Got the wood from another mate who lost the plot when he didnt give back what he didn't use. ubber expensive apparently.
  10. Find a local guitar tech to fix the volume control. I send my sons Scheter to be set up annually at my local tech he makes a great job of it. Cleans all the frets up removing all the built up grime that happens over time.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  11. I do. He's been closed for ages as he's gone hiding under the bed with the covid, but I'm hoping he's back out now.
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  12. Thank you, that was great, by far the most useful thing I’ve done in 2022 is watch that vid. ^
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Lost me there!
    16” what?

    I use a Marshall amp with my gibbo Les paul epiphone copy thing, but not often
    I don’t use the amp with the acoustic
    #33 Carr01, Jan 6, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2022
  14. Agree with the sticking to one instrument for a week or two, and it compares with riding different bikes*/driving different cars* when younger, when it was easy/instinctive to adapt to the different foibles of each machine. As "stuff" ages, I can't adapt anywhere near as quickly now while still enjoying the "instrument"* to anywhere near it's/my maximum - it just ends up like "firefighting".. For me, even sitting in the same position is crucial now when it comes to keyboards*.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. I'm glad i'm not alone, many things I can relate to in your reply:-
    Yes, I honestly believe it's early signs, and all tied up with dementia(hate that word)/ cognitive decline, and your Left/Right thing reminds me of piloting LHD vehicles, the first sign of my brain being "set in it's ways". I could drive the car very quickly but if I then attempted to proceed to (my) maximum I felt uncomfortable (npi) because the feedback for me had to be via the RH seat if it was to be a "pure" input when totally committed during driving, and this had to be solely down to 99% of my previous driving memories.
    You are right about the twisting, and sorry to read that your back is so bad in this area. Due to the wrist and finger manipulations you have to do, (read:-"attempt" to do, for me) I find that working around the middle "C" area is fine, but cannot do the same action an Octave down (for example) without moving top part of body over, and also starting to find that I can't even replicate the same (simple) action when using left or right hand, and that is a definite change. After 30 mins or an hour* I can get a great deal back, but it doesn't feel natural or intuitive anymore.

    *usually shoulders and neck really pay for this now..
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  16. I rode right hand change bikes for many years and when manufacturers started producing left hand change it took me an age to get used to it.In fact even today I feel more comfortable with the lever on the right.
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    • Agree Agree x 1

  17. Where's the red one :D
  18. still got one keyboard, one piano and 3 drum machines and none as pretty as your Fenders (so no pic).
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  19. "could" is operative and relevant here.
  20. I think I just got Viv's joke possibly, as a bit slow here.. Just to keep the peace - do you have a yellow one? :thinkingface:
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