Apparently Colder Air Makes Engines More Powerful...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by The Royal Maharaja, Dec 13, 2021.

  1. ...which is why this morning at 6am, during my 2 hour commute my 900ss felt like it had 200hp!

    I haven't been that cold in a long time, had to stop three times to use the service station hand dryers...worked out with the wind chill factor it was -19C! I had so much gear on that if I'd had a crash they would have struggled to find the body!

    But seriously, anyone else riding all year round? - This is the first year I've done a bit less, and realised that it was needed just to free the spirit a little in these crazy arrived at work with a frozen smile on my face! :)
    #1 The Royal Maharaja, Dec 13, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2021
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  2. i dont usually but might if we get a dry day
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  3. The only thing I’m riding at this time of year is my luck!
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  4. I stopped riding in full on winter so long ago, I can't remember doing it. But I know it sucks
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  5. There are few better feelings than when the atmospheric conditions make the bike go like the proverbial, it is very noticeable when it happens. I believe it is the higher density of air that does it, sure to be corrected by people who are far more knowledgeable on these matters.
  6. my old ZX6R used to suffer something terrible from carb icing, bloody pita, bad enough being bloody cold but having stop every 10min for the engine heat to defrost the carbs, a fuel additive used to help a bit but wasn't a cure.
  7. Cold slightly damp air gives a noticeable power boost, it’s all down to the density of the air, the low temperature means more oxygen in a given volume of air as it takes up less space, the cyclists amongst us will know what i mean by ‘like riding through treacle’
  8. Cold air is denser so contains more oxygen for the same volume. That can result in more power if fueling is correct. Always remember. The power an engine can produce is governed only by how much air you can get through it.
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  9. Yep, a 911 turbo spools up nicely on crisp winters day. Grips not so great though…
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  10. I stay away from ice. Don't mind the cold, but then it gets damp and gritters are out, corroding everything it touches.
    Commuted on the bike today, and noticed fog areas. Wasn't cold, about 3 degC.
    Have to admit, I miss the heated seat but still got heated grips, they definitely help.
  11. Got caught out one year on my 2t at Snetterton, didn’t bother with a plug chop and it was a damp day = seized :confounded:
  12. It’s why intercoolers were invented. Masses of cool dense air forced into the combustion and boom! Off you go. Great invention.
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  13. I’ve noticed it in most cars I’ve owned but turbo’d wagons even more so
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  14. Not much benefit without a compressor though.
  15. I haven’t ridden all year round for a long time now. I had to use the bike a few times later than I’d have liked because the wife needed the car but I was lucky as the temperatures were mild for the time of year.
  16. Not ridden in the winter since I was an apprentice. And it'll be staying that way. Fuck that!
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  17. used to love the change it made on my old 250LC in the mornings :) ...
    those were the days :)
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  18. Yes, maybe I should’ve inserted Turbo somewhere
  19. I know where you could insert it. Pauly, come here....
    • Funny Funny x 4
  20. I only ride for fun, and must admit the older I get, the less inclined I am to go out in freezing weather. But, it’s a great feeling going out on a crisp dry sunny day, with hardly anything else on the road, and stopping for a hot chocolate and a bag of chips somewhere.

    I’m not really into short local rides, so all that generally goes out the window when I’m about a hundred miles from home and it’s getting dark, so I’ll then hope for miserable weather the next weekend, as I’m daft and will have forgotten the freezing cold nightmare ride home where I can barely hang on to the bike through shivering.
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