Pets Corner

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pixie1276, Aug 19, 2012.

  1. Florence and Doris on a leafy walk today.

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  2. Yep. The only bedding Iggy hasn’t scoffed so far is an old duvet I’ve given him, but it means that when I visit my girlf he has to sleep without any bedding in his crate (he also chewed his way out of two of those when he was a puppy) as he has eaten every other blanket or mat that she put in there. He also puked up all over her floor this morning after eating something he shouldn’t have (I declined to examine it too closely).
  3. My Springer came back to me with a small cockerel early today unfortuneately it didn't survive.
  4. Stanley apparently has his back teeth coming through and it’s making him chew stuff. Floor mats, slippers, cardboard, that sort of stuff. We could spend ten quid on the best chew stick in the world and he’s not interested.
    He fancied something a tad more nutritious today and destroyed the daughters 2 day old Doc Martens. Don’t know where the laces are. Probably turn up in a couple of days.
  5. Dad in need a tree!

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  6. 6246BF41-9172-466E-BDC6-698BF7894707.jpeg
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  7. Huge rat!

    Must be the covid and lockdowns.

    Our Collie is placid but she cornered a huge rat in the house. This thing was a beast and gave as good as it got.

    Dont look if easily upset

    #1927 J biker, Dec 15, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2021
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    • Funny Funny x 3
  8. Monty after being run ragged, chilling and ready for bed. F3905EC0-2343-40E8-8ED2-90B8DECA24E6.jpeg
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  9. Gwen in 'Race mode' :rolleyes: ......... The laziest Border Collie in the world [​IMG]
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  10. 6287444C-B171-4FD8-9DCB-AF3C7A18FA6B.jpeg

    6 months old now.
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  11. Kitty cat loves the carpet in my van :)
    Let Me IN!!!!!!!
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. Carpet and pussy in a van????:bucktooth:
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  13. Here’s ours (red collar) with her boyfriend….

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  14. Open goal :joy:
  15. Thought you were a German Shepherd man? That dog is a stunner. Keep it nice and lean and enjoy.
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  16. 4F6C0FF7-07D5-4B0B-9AE7-F3F4E5B1550E.jpeg

    Iggy’s birthday treats last Saturday (2 already!)


    The Igster and I having a boys’ night in by the fire this evening.
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  17. She’s still with us (the GSD) though looking small now next to him.
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  18. Cats are evil !!
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Funny Funny x 2
  19. So many comfy nice places to sleep this time of year.

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    • Funny Funny x 1
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