Who’s Working Through Christmas And New Year’.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Mary Hinge, Dec 23, 2021.

  1. I’ve noticed our MSM (and particularly America) fawn over military personnel working over the festive season. I guess this time the NHS workers will be getting a shout, which is fair enough.

    So who’s working this Christmas? What’s your job? It’s interesting to hear which sections of society can’t let up in order to keep the wheels turning.

    I’m energy sector, oil and gas. I’ll be working all through.
  2. Theatre. Although its looking more and more less likely by the hr.
  3. Start a 4 day shift on Christmas Eve, 5am for 12hrs, I work as a Wastewater Operator at the 3rd largest Dairy Factory in the World, we process up to 16 Million Litres of milk a day.
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  4. Yes, I read about that. Best of luck.... :upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. We will be volunteering Christmas Eve and Boxing Day plus others over the holidays. My first run is Dorchester to Southampton and back to Salisbury in the morning, reckon that will be a good test for the new heated gear.
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  6. her mother will be here on the day. i'm busy phoning around in the hope that someone will require a service or maybe a clutch, timing belt ect that needs doing on that day. feck, I'll even do it for free.
    • Funny Funny x 10
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  7. Bu99er that for a game of soldiers, it's the one time of year you can have time off work and not worry the whole time about the hundreds of emails piling up in your inbox because everyone else is working.
    I only work part time anyway now, and between 15.45hrs on Thursday and 07.00hrs on Monday whilst I'm off can receive 170 emails to work through.
    So you can imagine what I come back to after a week off.

    We are shutting down @ lunchtime today and starting up again on the 4th Jan.
    Our American colleagues however, not placing so much emphasis on Christmas day itself are working through.
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  8. I’m in oil and gas too. Safety systems (ESD and F&G).
    Not working this year but am on call, so fingers crossed.
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  9. Not sure it fits the definition "work" but as a livestock farmer I live and "work" on the farm 24/7. As my children and Grand children also live and "work" here too; it is a pleasure and not a hardship.
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  10. Yokogawa?
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  11. Brilliant, lucky you :):upyeah:
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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  12. no.
    Started at a company called ICS, which has since been bought out by Rockwell.
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  13. Ok, I use Rockwell too. Coms via RSLinx… fuck, I’ve gone full nerd. I shall slap myself… :fist:
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. What do you do ?
  15. Covid's your friend, bit of a headache, sore throat, you know the score by now……………
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  16. Gas turbine field engineer. Although I’m mechanical bias we have to cover all associated fields such as controls and instruments. I steer clear of switchgear and HV. Not qualified.
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  17. The company I work for was brought out by Rockwell Collins Aerospace earlier this year.
    Not sure if it's still the same group though.
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  18. I’ve had it and that’s all it is. A cold ffs with aching joints. World’s gone mental….
  19. That is a life, not work, very rewarding, but Bloody hard work.
    I'm jealous, I'd rather be doing what you do despite it being tough 24/7.
    In fact, over the next couple of years - watch this space, Lady Nasher and myself have plans which have been in the making for many years..
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  20. Sounds good Nasher, I look forward to hearing all about it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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