Hi wondering if the dampener is still available?? I’d be willing to offer you £600 ?? Not sure where your based though… If you wanna drop a email across :- [email protected]
Thanks Bettes - can anyone shed a little more light on the fitment?? I’m presuming this is the linkage I’d require https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ducati-P...2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0 But would I need anything else?
Yes, that’s the one. You shouldn’t need anything else as long as the spring is more or less within range for your weight.
It’s a direct fitment. You don’t actually need the linkage that Ian is referring to - you can use the stock 899 one depending on your preferences. The stock 899/959 linkage is a none adjustable ‘progressive rate’ linkage. This basically means the as the spring compresses it progressively gets stiffer. Most people say for road use this is the better option as it gives a compliant ride but can also take a pillion. It’s a jack of all trades setup. The 1199/1299 linkage has 2 optional positions - progressive as the above and ‘flat rate’ this means the spring stiffness remains consistent throughout the full stroke of the shock. For track use and if you are on the sportier side of road riding and will never take a pillion, then most people prefer this option as it allows a more predictable and consistent shock setup. I have the 1299 linkage on my 959 set to flat as it’s a dedicated track bike. The spring weight on the stock 899 shock is 80Nm (possibly 78) - the stock 1199/1299 shock is 90Nm. This is because the swing-arm on the larger capacity bikes is longer and has more leverage. As Ian says you need to ensure the spring weight matches your riding weight in full kit. The spring fitted to the shock for sale above is 100nm so is very stiff in comparison to the stock 899. For the price you would be getting it for however it’s not a big deal to buy the right spring for your weight. "Rider Weight (In Gear) - Spring Rate 150 Lbs. - 75Nm 170 Lbs. - 80Nm 190 Lbs. - 85Nm 210 Lbs. - 90Nm 230 Lbs. - 95Nm 250 Lbs. - 100Nm Please note these recommendations are for the suspension in the FLAT RATE setting on the 1199/1299, or on an 899/959 with the adjustable linkage kit installed. For an 899/959 without the adjustable linkage OR an 1199/1299 with the suspension set in the PROGRESSIVE setting, chose one spring rate softer than normal recommendation. If your weight is between the ranges, you can choose either spring rate, choose the softer rate for less aggressive riding or the stiffer rate for more aggressive riding.
Thanks for this - I’m more a less road riding but never take pillion. There is a 1299 linkage on fleabay at the minute for £75 would it be worthwhile or not?? I best get the scales out then and see which spring I require - has anyone got any links for a replacement spring??
The quality of the shock is so much better than stock that you are going to notice with or without the linkage but if it was me I would get the linkage - £75 is a decent price. The reason it’s being sold as a package like that is that the people who stripped the bike don’t have the right tools to undo the big pivot bolts! Are you planning on fitting the shock yourself? It’s not difficult but you need to be able to support the bike while you do it - if you don’t have the proper stand then a big strap from a ceiling beam in the garage is the simplest method. You need a spring compressor to fit a different spring - I just dropped in to my local suspension specialist and he did it in about 5 minutes for a drink. They come up on ebay fairly regularly £30 rather than £80 new so if I was you I would weigh yourself (with all of your riding kit) and see what spring you need, then have a look to see what is about.
@Dannym81 90Nm spring just came up on ebay - great condition for a decent price if you have done the weigh in yet and it suits. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DUCATI-P...=p2349624.m2548.l6249&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
Morning - so suited and booted I’m 89kg - 196lb. Do I go for the 90 or the 85 a few comments recommend the one spring down from the recommended ?? What do you think?? And is there one floating around ??
I’m about 110kgs kitted up. Took the bike in a while ago and the suspension bloke said that my 85Nm spring was borderline too stiff.
01092-24/80 is the code for the spring you want - check with an Ohlins dealer for the new price - i can only see a really rough looking overpriced used one on ebay at the moment. I’m 211lbs riding weight and use an 85 spring but that’s for track and would be pretty harsh on the road.