Anyone For Cricket!?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Mary Hinge, Dec 28, 2021.

  1. 18 stone isn’t too bad, it’s when they are 20 stone plus and the bastards blindside you and turn your spine into spaghetti.

    I was 19 stone at my peak but Jesus, running into someone with a combined speed of say 25mph and a total weight of a quarter of a tonne. You certainly feel it.

    Plus if you make someone really mad in a ruck/maul, they might try and finger your bum so always a perk….
  2. What position? Water boy? :p

    Why would you play, your hair would get messed up or was it the group banter in the showers?

  3. I always had a wide selection of extra slippery soap bars my man.

    I’ve played in numerous positions but predominantly was a winger as I ran for Kent as a teenager.
    I was a bit of a shit house so ended up playing number 8 later on down the line. Bit more action.
  4. Aye, bath action. 15 on the pitch 20 in the bath ;)
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  5. test.jpg
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  6. You realise Rugby is for failed footballers?
    I’ll go into hiding now (before I get a hiding):grinning:
  7. I remember an old English teacher, who was mad as a box of frogs, saying football is a game for gentlemen played by hooligans,and rugby is a game for hooligans played by gentlemen
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  8. Yup, I was told the same. My PE teacher at school was Scottish, we always had to play rugby, I hated it because I’m a whimp.
  9. I loved rugby. Because I loved a ruck and was a big of a teenage thug. I was just way better at football. These days prefer rugby.
  10. Similar, loved rugby at school,played for the county ,mostly because our school didn't play football. But from about 19 onwards, played football.
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  11. Our school did neither really, not much anyway, we had town teams of multi schools rather than single schools. I played for town and county football. Had a few county trials for rugby as one of my teachers was ‘connected’ and quickly realised I was no longer a big fish in a small pond….
  12. I see one of the posters above criteria this is a sport as you could lose an eye or choke from a stray tiddley… so danger means sport : unamused:
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  13. Another spineless day with the bat for ingurlund
    I wonder if the poor little loves are going to blame it on their five star covid bubbles this time.
  14. Lets face the reality? Englands cricket team very rarely wins anything when playing in Oz.
  15. They do. Just not in Australia. Our batting's shit.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. In Oz Englands (cricket) everything is usually shit, compared to the Ozzie version.
  17. They deserve to be met by farage at Heathrow telling them they’ve been refused entry home tbh
  18. Yeah today losing all 10 wickets for just 56 more runs and lost the series 0 - 4. Maybe we could send the women next time?
    • Agree Agree x 1
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