Hi there, take a look at my money pit

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by 14990, May 10, 2012.

  1. Tbh, it's probably because I nip up the bolts when packing them so they don't fall out or rattle around in the post!
    Bike looks great, really love the colours.
  2. I dunno what the cause was but after i'd removed the bolt to slide it in, it wouldnt quite seat right so rubbed it round with a bit of 320 paper I believe (just what I had kicking about in the man cave) and it did the trick.

    Cheers for the compliments..... I wanted it to stand out from a crowd whilst not looking too garish. I tried to balance the red with green as I'm not actually that fond of the colour red tbh lol.
  3. Right, I've decided that my next move is going to be proper suspension set up and if needs be different springs, valves and oil in/on the standard Showa units. Who do people recommend, ideally close to Nottinghamshire. I want it setting up for fast road and the odd trackday.
  4. ktech isnt too far away
  5. +1 for Ktech
  6. Try SPRracing.co.uk they may be able to help...
  7. I had thought of K-Tech, i'll probably try them for size when funds allow, cheers.
  8. They are surprisingly cheap.
  9. I'm hoping to keep costs at a minimum but if I need different weight springs or revalving etc. then I will plump for it.
  10. lovely bike..even if its constantantly winking at me!!! it ouses lots of effort.
  11. The whole story behind the winking was quite funny to be truthful. I was enjoying a spirited ride home this time last year, tipped into a 3rd gear right hander, maybe 90mph ish and as my eyes centred into the apex, there stood Mr. Pheasant. We locked eye contact and he began to move in a hurried fashion towards the oncoming lane. Now i'm sure we all know in pheasant this means he was gearing up for a run up after he had turned 180 degrees. He did the very same and I thought, this is going to end up shit. Thankfully he took off and collided with my nosecone and then my chest. I carried him on my lap for about 300 yards and then he fell off. I had some pretty funky bruising across the top of my chest and a broken nosecone and screen. I spoke to Terry at Italia Moto and he told me that i'd be looking at about £400 for a genuine replacement. This seemed very steep so I got in touch with Ian at QB Carbon and 3 weeks later I collected the carbon cyclopse fairing.
  12. It's an ill wind!
  13. Few new pictures as I'm bored....




    Please excuse the chicken strips, the tyres were only about 50 miles old at this point.
  14. Love it , Love it, Love it. Well done that man.

    Regards Steve
  15. Yum yum that looks sweeeeet !!
  16. I thought the whole idea of owning a bike was to do with it what you want, that's why some people like Harleys. It looks like you've done a superb job on it and it's your opinion that is the most important! Oh and can you give me the lottery numbers so I can afford to spend some money on my ST please!!!
  17. Very nice indeed matey :)
  18. Cheers people!! I wish I knew the lotto numbers tbh lol, want to get even more carried away with this and to a similar level with an RSV4.
  19. I like it as well :)
  20. hi Oli, were you out on this bike today?? My mate sent me a picture message earlier today of what i think is this exact bike!
    when im back in the game we'll have to meet up and you can teach me how to ride again..its been a while!
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