eBay hassle

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ducatibob848, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. I have just sold a dainese rainsuit which I was given as a gift which was brand new with the tags still attatched.
    it was sold for £38 but the buyer has been in touch and wants a refund because the suit does not fit him to which I have replied that is the chance u take buying off eBay,I have bought many things of eBay that did not fit and had to resell them.
    He then replied saying that I said they were new with a box which I did only because I could of find the new with tags option,he has also accused me of selling him seconds as apparently the suit should have a reflective stripe on it,the suit is a genuine dainese item with tags and a dainese bag to store the suit it and is certainly not a "second" as he has stated.
    just need to know were I stand as in my eyes I have not falsely advertised it apart from saying it was in a box when it was actually a bag,appreciate opinions,thanks,Rob
  2. id just roll with it and let him raise a dispute.
    then present the contact email stating his displeasure at it not fitting as his true motive.

    if you cant be bothered with the hassle then just refund.
    personally id let him dispute it
  3. On the other hand, if you refund him, he is not given the option to leave feedback, which can be valuable as well - you will loose postage though :(
  4. Ta Phil,too tight on the chest and too long in the leg apparently,if the suit fitted him perfect would he still demand a refund because it came In a bag and not a box,I don't think so,and anyway I said to the buyer I was genuinely disappointed for him that it did not fit and he replied with a smart arse comment that I will be even more disappointed when I have to give him a refund and then relist the item so he can go and screw himself :eek:
  5. Could always get it back then resell it on here... What size is it ?
  6. I feel for you.
    this has been my experience lately with ebay....suffering fools with buyers regret or others who decide they want to
    "try it for a week to make sure I can use it" .....was one idiot who bought an expensive 1dsmk2 dslr off me

    if I do sell now cash on collection is always pushed and low value say 100 quid only.
    no more will I ever put expensive gear on so arseholes can say its broken or didnt turn up etc etc
  7. Tell him to lay off Greggs pies!
  8. I've had this once ..
    It's not top shop !
    Did he ask for measurements? Bet not
    You can't return as doesn't fit.
    Sadly ebay now favor the buyer !!!
    Roll with it alot of people are pushing their luck at the mo !
    Be firm .
    If you get fed up say send it back for a refund minus postage costs!
    The other big thing ... Sorry folks I'm sorry ...
    Ask if he smokes !
    If he does you can't resell a new item smelling of fags it would need cleaning then wouldn't be new!

    Alot of people will not buy clothes off a smoker .
    Sorry smokers :( not being rude but now it's fact .
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  9. There are some low lifes on ebay. have sold quite a few things and purchased on fleabay. I would let him dispute it.

    I remember buying a st2 on fleabay. it had no mot or tax. that what the selling said. everything else was fine. when i went to pick the bike up. the tyres were bald the chain and sprockets need replacing, Not as listed, had a big falling-out with the bloke, because i made another offer, which was a lot less. got it for £900.00 its was his fault, trying to rip someone off.
  10. eBay seems to be a hot bed of poor buyers and sellers, I bought my 848 off eBay from what I thought was a dealer who should of disclosed that it was a CAT D.

    Went all the way to Derby from London, he wouldn't let me test ride it because I didn't have all the cash to put in his hand, it looked ok in the half light, sounded ok so I bought it trading my 600RR against it thinking I'd be covered as he was a dealer.

    I carried out a hpi when I got home and discovered it to be a CAT D and all he could say was sold as seen!

    After a huge wrangle and countless legal letters I got £600 cash back.

    I've still got a CAT D 848 with a few minor problems but only paid £4800
  11. Right,a case has been opened against me citing that I have incorrectly described the item,the first being I said it was in a box and not a bag and secondly the picture I have taken of the inside label shows the item has reflective stripes on the back,that's we're the problem is cos the suit does not have reflective stripes on it.
    All I said in the actual description was bnwt black xl,any questions feel free to ask
    The buyer has informed eBay of all the correspondent we have had apart from the part were he says that they don't fit

  12. Which is the bit that might mean something.Forward the email to Ebay as part of your defence,I have had a little success with ebay as a seller,(an old Landrover),so theres a chance they'll see it your way.
    but whatever happens make sure his attitude is mentioned in your,"positive",feedback.I always check to see what people actually say,not just their percentage.
    Best of luck mate
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  13. The pictures you take of the item are also part of the description so I have may of cocked up taking a picture of the label but I was totally unaware of the reflective stripes,I think I will offer a refund and relist the item and describe it a bit better
  14. thats the problem with seling clothes on ebay, i have sold a few
    this is especially true of dianese as alot of their stuff does come up a size smaller than many other makes

    if take some measurements for me and i might have them off you
    key useful ones i have found are
    Arm pit to arm pit
    inside leg
    neck (from bottom of collar) to bottom of jacket (or to waist band on a 1 piece)
    sleeve length measure from armpit to cuff
    width across shoulders
  15. Ok will let you know when I get them back,oh by the way the suit does not come with reflective stripes:biggrin:
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  16. I think I have spotted the flaw here.
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  17. im with pete lol
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  18. WHY NOT.:biggrin:
  19. So am I...848 for around 5k and no rat smelt....bought a fireblade off ebay, paid 3500 when retail was about 6, guy insisted it 'wasnt written off or anything like that' as I asked directly several times. Started and ran ok, looked about right so took the risk. Yep cat D but I paid cat D money, actually less, and checked it out all straight so got a bargain, thrashed it for 18 months, sold it as cat D declared and got 3500 :)

    back on thread...I resist selling anything on ebay nowadays...and normally insist on cash on collection
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