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Discussion in 'Insurance - Sponsored by Ducati Insurance' started by bradders, Nov 9, 2021.

  1. If it’s newish Pani mark the value as less than £20k when asking for quotes. Say £19950. There seems to be a watershed.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Agreed put the value less than £20k because that when it ramps up dramatically.
  3. There is. Go over £20k and it gets daft. Cheapest I could get for my V4S when I got it was £8.5k. Which translates to ‘fuck off, sonny’ Got my KTM fully comp for ~£400. Zero no claims and hadn’t been on the road for years. And I doubt I’ll be going on the roads again. I’d forgotten how shit it was… doh!
  4. I have tried with a value of £17500. Still no one will touch it.
  5. Out of interest, how old are you, how long have you been riding and where do you live?
  6. 52 and live in Fareham. Hampshire.
  7. How long have you been riding?

  8. No joy with ducati insurance?!
  9. Jesus that’s outrageous.

    i used to pay £600 for mine with one years no claims when I was in my 20’s ffs
  10. Ducati wouldn’t touch me.
    Went through all the comparison sites and found MCE are still trading. Although they are brokering a different company called Sabre. Spoken to Sabre and managed to get an offer off of them for £850 fully comp.
  11. Are you going with that?
  12. 850 :astonished:

    It’s a lot less but bloody hell that’s still huge!
  13. I’m genuinely at a loss to understand this sort of premium.
    I’ve just run my similar-ish details through the Meerkats for a V4S at £19,500 and I’m getting fully comprehensive insurance from Bennett’s at £552.
    Who the hell is being charged £8.5K or anything like that?
  14. Wtf?!! You have mega claims or new rider?
  15. Yes I am. I’ve paid with my Visa card the whole sum up front. At least then I have insurance on the payment and having spoken with Sabre they assure me that policies that are paid in full WILL run their course and providing I don’t make a claim, I will at least get a years no claims, too. If you pay monthly on any insurance product, if the company goes under, their is very little you can do as the product has not been paid for in full. Will never pay on instalments again
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  16. Not at all. Only came back to bikes very recently.
  17. That’s tough bud. I lived in Gosport and that was cheaper insurance than where I am in Cotswolds now.
  18. Insurance makes no sense

    my missus got insured on the golf and it was £750 odd quid from memory.

    She got a quote on the Aston for £420 :joy:

    The Aston is the cheapest car I have to insure. Mental.
  19. It certainly doesn’t make sense if a 52 year old can’t get anyone to touch a V4. Who the hell else is buying those things?
  20. Haven’t paid monthly on a policy since the 80’s, hate paying monthly for items.
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