Motorbike Quick

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Carlos Fandango, Jul 9, 2013.

  1. I was a passenger this evening in my friends Audi R8 V10 Convertible, Jeeeeezus it was quick, I have never been in a car that ferociously quick, I have been lucky enough to own some fast cars over the years but this was seriously on a another level.

    An evening I shall remember for a long time, my legs are still shaking, I thought we were going to die!
  2. Lol
    I had a run to London as passenger in the RS4 omg that goes beautifully
    The power is amazing and sound amazing in sport
    You don't even feel like your doing the speeds it's capable of
    I would love an R8 that's on my wish list
  3. Puff :tongue:
  4. Try a Jag XK RS - MENTAL! but fun :biggrin:.
  5. Jump in a supercharged Exige, fastest thing I ever owned on four wheels
  6. Citroen Saxo, blacked out windows , Burberry seat covers ........apparently really fast in baaaaaaarnsley ........
  7. Want a real buzz ....warrior FV510 google it
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  8. A pal lent me his Nissan Skyline GTR for a couple of hours.

    Warrington and its many roundabouts suddenly became a much more interesting place that afternoon.
  9. That is seriously sub zero cool. I'm jelous!

    datsun GTR's and R8's are reasonably quick, but it's always nice when you can get the opportunity to mess around with stuff like that :)
  10. It's all moved on, I had a Porsche 964 RS lightweight 10 years ago and thought that was like a fireblade, however the new Audi RS6 Avant now does 0-60 in under 4 seconds and that's a 2 tonne estate car!
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