televised Murder Trial Ch4 - now (9pm)

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Chris, Jul 9, 2013.

  1. Should be interesting.
  2. Watching
  3. Watching
  4. Not watching.
  5. Five weeks of trial proceedings are edited down to a two hour TV programme. What you see as a viewer is not what the jury has seen - it's what the editor chose to let you see.
  6. Oh don't spoil it Pete
  7. looks like correct justice was served, particularly after we heard (and saw) all the 'previous'.
  8. Hey man, Spoiler alert, Spolier alert

    Saying that having been on Jury Service, wouldnt really want to sit at home and watch it
  9. The farmer did it !!
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  10. ?? - still didn't give it away Matt?!! - correct justice 'in my eyes' could mean anything but i'm flattered that you think I speak for the people :) you still need to watch it - certainly 'must see' viewing. I watched the O.J. trials at the time but I think we all know surely by now what happened there.
  11. It was............................................................................

    .............the salmon mousse......................
  12. :smile: sorry I was just playing. I may search it down on 4OD. We all watched the OJ Trail. What ever happened to Kato Kaelin?
  13. in the boardroom...................
  14. had forgotten about him - he's still alive apparently..
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