Sorry to sound hateful but..... Good someone got at that scumbag pity it was not his throat. Given that it came to light they think he cut that poor little girl into bits then deposited them in the river near his house and all round the woods in little bits how the hell can Europe say oh to imprison someone like that for life never to be released is not humane!? Mark Bridger and many others who have comitted such crimes are not human .. normal humans dont do stuff like that. As for letting out that Venables who killled James Bulger AGAIN and giving him a new identity millions out of our tax money after hes looking at iffy pictures again... Im sorry but normal children don't kill... Then some moron comes on to say he agreed people like that can find religion and reform!! No they pretend to.... your not right in the head at all to do anything like that Im sure its a mix of conditioning as a child maybe and your not right in the head!!! Cause even children with the most dreadful childhoods dont go about doing that . Bloody idiots why cant we just get away from these idiots and their potty ideas in Europe. So should life mean life?????? I think so ... actually scum like that are looked after fed and waterd get privilages. Given that they have to live I would put them in the crappiet bare cell with no mod cons and make them do hard labour everyday. Not ponce about down the prison gym. Or if they have to live stick them all in some crapiest prison ship way out at see in the most crapest conditions your "humanly cough" allowed. Personally I think the victims family should choose their fates...... If anyone did something so vile to mine Id want them off the planet.
Can't say that I feel any sorrow for Bridger. He did the crime and now he must do the time. When he killed that poor girl he probably knew the risks he was taking and also the sort of treatment he could expect from 'fellow' inmates. I'm not in favour of capital punishment but in cases like this I think could be pursuaded otherwise. Regards the EU Court of Human Rights I think they have scored an own goal with their latest pronouncement given the prevailing mood in the UK. For some crimes there should be no remission and the sentence should include measures to make the criminal productive during their incarceration and if that makes the sentence unpleasant then it acts as a greater deterant. I like to think that I'm a mild mannered sort of chap but these sorts of crimes do give me thoughts that have nothing to do with mild!
I don't want him killed I want him to live in fear everyday watching his back with a slash here and there just remind him how scared that little girl must have been and to remind him of the way he may of ended her days To kill him would be his easy way out and why should he the poor family are tortured daily Reap what you sow
As much as I hate to say either have human rights or you dont. No grey areas. No foregoing if you don something evil. In Europe we seem to be leading the charge of utopia where respect for others is driven by legislation to be good rather than punishment to be bad. Nice idea but cant see it working for another few hundred years...the rest of the world the opposite with America retreating into less rights than ever by aligning a crime with removal of said rights. The 10% of me thats educated says Eu has it right: the 90% of me that is a Sun reader says hang the b'tards or at least lock them up in a clean but hard environment with little or no pleasures for the rest of their natural
He wont be. They have special wings for the likes of him and only of someone wants to build a rep is he at risk, but a rep for what?! Most in the wing will be Nogs & co
Bradders, I like that last sentence and I feel the same effect:smile:! I'll try to stay with the 10% educated me when I say the following: There is a lot of talk about Human Rights and in general i believe they are a good thing but with rights must come responsibilities and the key one must be to respect the rights of others. To my mind killing someone is removing one of their fundamental human rights and I tend to go with the model of removing the offender's rights in equal measure. So sorry, but I believe there are grey areas when it comes to how many HUs you have.
Erm....maybe you have something there. HR removal in parity with the crimes committed. Like that. And go further. If a burglar scares someone whitless and means they cant sleep at all thru fear, said burglar should get same treatment while dossing in his cell. Think of all the possibilities. Clean and consistent approach. Wonder what the resident Eu-ocrats will think...I reckon I'd vote for someone who aimed to get this crime and punishment ethos into law
The Eurocrats would wet themselves at the thought of it cos its too close to something approaching justice:wink:
Stick a noose in every lifers cell,and invite them to do society a favour for once. And treat them like the rapist/murderer in that Argentinian film,"The Secret in their Eyes" I almost felt sorry for the dude....
Its a shame that whoever slashed him will get another sentence. Should be rewarded! I honestly think that this country should bring back capital punishment for these types of crimes... He knew what he was doing all along, and claiming selective memory loss was his very weak defence. I'm glad he got hurt... Should have cut his balls off and fed them to him...