What Do You Think Of Emma Raducanu.....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Mary Hinge, Jan 23, 2022.

  1. Tennis? PAH! Just an interlude between cucumber and Pimms Dhaling. No risk of death? Not a proper sport.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Had her moments, though - bearing in mind I didn't pay much attention even when I still had a telly - it seemed surprisingly short! They don't hang around like Billy Jean and Virginia did. But at least she wrote an impressive virus!
  3. Depends on the knickers, I feel!

    (You're only as old as the knickers you feel)
  4. tough crowd - still a "fan" myself..

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  5. That's a whole new thread. Minx or Moose? Let's chuck Madonna and Lady Gaga into the mix as well :thinkingface:
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  6. Emma is great. and if she never wins another major slam, she will still have won one, which is more than any Brit women have done since Virginia.
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  7. Emma - minx
    Madonna - moose
    Gaga - mixture

    The ones clagged up with makeup, epecially the old ones are never full blown minxes
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  8. Well that's not very British. I say she can get the fuck under that bus if she doesn't win something else. And she can be sharp about it!! :mad:
    • Funny Funny x 5
  9. you'd make a great tennis coach Mary.
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Funny Funny x 2
  10. I say ol' chap, its frightfully British -what. It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game, don't you know...
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  11. Madonna maybe a moose but I wouldn’t mind 35 seconds in the sack with her!
    Radi is too young, it would make me feel a bit like Andrew!
  12. Madonna. Built for the space program. Beyond Earth's gravity, immensely strong!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Check you out. Marathon man :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. So she’s not a rarity in being from Canada born to Romanian and Chinese parents….OK.

    Many people are not born in Britain yet seek to move here and then later choose to become British citizens, it appears you’d prefer to exclude people that aren’t actually born within the United Kingdom never to be allowed to gain citizenship.

    I’d say to win a Grand Slam ER is more than just above average as a player, if she never wins any other championship it’s still a mighty accolade.
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  15. We had a thread similar. ;)
  16. What I prefer is - if there's any point to crowing about successful athletes being any particular nationality - they be more than our transparently desperate attempt to big-up the 'Team GB' brand.

    Me, I see all nationalism as conveniently-overlooked xenophobia anyway.
  17. Not in the slightest bit interested.
  18. If she were British I guess it would matter. Alas she is simply draining the British funding pot from real Brits at grass roots.

  19. Exactly I wonder how many grand slams Mary’s won cos he’s feeling a bit confident lol
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. Completely agree about Dave riding too btw, superb (although skiings not a sport according to some on here - or tennis ;) )
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