So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Measured the sag on my front forks 50mm without a rider how pish is that? and made up pre-load spacers to compensate.

  2. Got up, went to work, found out me 'Bessie mate' has handed his notice in, came home, gutted!
  3. Nowt, bugger all apart from a trip to the physio for my elbow. (did cycle there)

    Spent weeks cursing the weather then wasted the day by not riding :rolleyes:

    In my defence,I did txt my mate, but he was nights last night then back 2-10. Don`t usually mind riding on my own but I just didn`t fancy being a billy no mates today.

  4. Nice seat cover :)
  5. Oh bugger 
  6. Not wantin to cause a fight or nothing, but if you're talking about the yellow one, you may find it's a tank cover. Nice anyway - whatever it is. :biggrin:
  7. Tank cover
    Seat cover
  8. Got the Superlight MoT'd. Always a worry but gave it a good going over before hand and passed with out issue.
    Only need some dry weather to ride it as its turned biblical again (monsoon season?)

    bike 001.jpg
  9. Your right
    :) I need some glasses ken drrr
    Tank cover
  10. I thought it was the tweenies :-D
    Have you changed it for bob?
  11. One is for work n the other is for playtime....silly
  12. Lol ah I see :)
  13. The tweenies ended up as rags.
  14. Yeah yeah ;-)
  15. That's a gorgeous looking bike Macca. I'm becoming a real fan of Superlight's.........
    Need loads more money...... and space......

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  16. Took cover off 916 (first time since October). One twist of Throttle, press the starter, will it, won't it .... BRRRMMMM. (optimate has done its job.)
    Hi John can you do me an MOT .. bring it down in half an hour....on my way.
    Pass - with advisory for rear tyre - ordered new one, wheel out to take in for fitting in the morning.
    Chain n sprockets look tired - rang B+C delivery tomorrow, old ones off.
    Fitted beefier battery-solenoid-starter leads, (materials provided by 1 mate, ends soldered on by another).
    Great start to my week off.
    Calling at Italia Moto in the morning for a couple of bits n pieces while RWH fit my tyre,
    Then out to scrub the tyre in and blow the cobwebs away before the rain arrives.
  17. Its after dinner before you get the rain again.....hurry Mr. Tyre fitter.....
  18. Gonna make up for yesterdays waste of a day.
    Other half gone to work, kids gone to school/college, bike started.

    Now, bring me that horizon :cool:
  19. Had a good days ride out today, Lincoln and back, about 120-ish miles :upyeah:. Unfortunately, I think the "biking gods" were still angry at me for wasting yesterdays sunshine.

    A couple of the roads had just been re-surfaced and I was the only idiot at Willingham woods, on a bike, in the rain. I got rained on 3 or 4 times, the last time it really came down, I was only about 7 miles from home, :rolleyes:.

    I was cold and wet when I got home and my bike looks like I`ve just pulled her out the canal but, all in all, a goooood day :biggrin:.
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