My New Toy

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by squeezey, Jan 28, 2022.

  1. Snapped ligament in his back leg….some Pointers are susceptible to it ‍♂️
    The other one went last year and £5k later (mostly covered by insurance) he was fine, specialist in Leeds - this one the insurance won’t cover as it’s the same condition (different leg, but hey insurance co’s eh)

    So, our vet is having a go @ “only” £2500 !

    Hopefully home today to start his recovery, he’s 10 this month but thinks he’s 3.
    He’s the best dog I’ve ever had so money doesn’t really matter, he’s grown up with my boy - who is quite bad on the spectrum and struggles with things like this.

    Fingers crossed
    • Love You Love You x 1

  2. Yes money never comes into it we've got two dogs too and one always has ailments from time to time bless him, never cared for the money it just gets paid.

    Another long road to recovery then. Hope it all went well.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. He’s home and feeling very sorry for himself, letting him rest ❤️

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