Andy- is the oil you suggest also a running in oil? Do you happen to know what the original running in oil would be please?
No it is not but that shouldn’t be an issue. I have never seen the specification of the oil Ducati deliver the bike with, just told that it is super thin to help the bedding in process. If you really want to go down that route, Opie Oils offer specific running in oil. They are forum traders so you can contact them, @oilman, for advice through the forum. Andy
Time for an update? Why not. The bike is home, and now ensconced in our front room “for safe keeping” and- after only the lightest smattering of weaponised swearing and strictly in contradiction with the ever excellent advice of resident genius Nelly-, the race exhaust is now fitted. As Nelly predicted it was a) a fucking horrible job and b) totally beyond me, but I got bored and can’t give up and knuckle skin grows back eventually. It sounds WHAT? HALF PAST EIGHT loud which I suppose is the point, but I’ve no idea at this point whether it’s a epic noise or just epically noisy. My feeling is it’ll be aces, and I say this as a man who voluntarily broke his ears with a Racefit equipped D16RR. I can’t wait to follow it and find out. However. How the literal fuck are you supposed to run this exhaust and the belly pan section with the side stand? It’s fully enclosed behind the belly pan. I cannot imagine any way of doing it, so I’m fascinated as to hear what the solution is that people have spoken of on here. Or is the solution not to fit the belly pan?
You don’t use the side stand. Design is that if you put the race exhaust on then the expectation is it’s in track form so paddock stand or chock would be used. BSB,WSB etc don’t use side stands, same logic. I’m sure full six or similar sell a pan that allows the stand to be used, or get the dremel out
Hey OITO, Thank you mate, Id figured as much, but I swear that id read on here that there was a way of doing it. On this very thread, maybe. It’s just possible I’m a little over-stimulated tho. Please don’t encourage me to dremel things.