Latest (2022) Revisions To The Highway Code

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Android853sp, Jan 27, 2022.

  1. When it comes down to it - people with basic common sense and reasonable nature can manage to navigate the roads with a few basic rules without causing drama or danger.

    Being considerate to each other should be a given, but many folks aren’t made that way.

    Cyclists always get a bad name because there’s a bunch of dickheads out there who don’t consider other road users but I have done some cycling and the groups that I have been out with always went out of their way to help cars pass safely.

    Unfortunately the bad apples on both ‘sides’ seem to have turned it into a war.

    All I try to do is lead by example, be courteous, a nod, a wave, a flash of lights to acknowledge another road user’s courtesy, can all go a long way to making the world a better place. :)
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  2. 54155926-0B97-4D74-87AA-F573B91A2861.jpeg
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  3. One thing that always stuck with me when my instructor guided me through my bike test:
    “It’s no good having “I was in the right” on your gravestone”
    Unfortunately I’ve often found this attitude is lacking amongst the cycling/running/walking fraternity but then they didn’t take any lessons or an exam before unleashing themselves onto the Highway :rolleyes:.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  4. Vast majority will be car or whatever drivers too. On a bike do I stop and red lights? Jump pavements? Sneak thru gaps? Yep. If I get knocked over or someone opens a door do I moan? Nope. My action. My risk.
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  5. I fuckin hate cyclists!!!
    Ahh, that’s better.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  6. It is rather difficult to make that much sense of these changes, which really ought to have been far better clarified and explained prior to the changes being made, due to the undoubted impact on pretty much every road user.
    That said, to me anyway, it seems entirely logical to now insist that cyclists in particular, be required to have insurance in order to continue to use the highway in the now more exposed situation they are likely to find themselves in and will place other road users in whilst cycling.
    All too frequently I see cyclists completely abuse the highway at traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, roundabouts, etc, etc. I should also add balance here by adding that I often see other vehicles ignoring traffic lights, lane discipline and the like, so cyclists are definitely not out there on their own, so to speak.
    Undoubtedly the manner with which these important Highway Code changes have been made known, will place many road users in serious future jeopardy.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. I read the images & it was quite a let down. There is going to be many many accidents because traveling on or around islands. When a walker is stopped waiting to cross part of the structure, they now have right of way & may well just walk out into the crossing parts.
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  8. That's my plan. Just as the sunday peloton is passing! Hope they have some kind of insurance for the huge injury claim coming their way....
    • Funny Funny x 2
  9. Cyclist who are members of British cycling will be insured through their membership, not sure if they’re covered should they be members of a cycling club affiliated to BC.

    Iirc cyclist are or at least were back in the day covered by household insurance, happy to be proven wrong.

    Good luck with your plan and claim.
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  10. Plus 1, but we must remember to wipe these posts. o_O
    • Funny Funny x 3
  11. This is my new Plan 1 retirement plan………………I can’t wait :bucktooth:
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  12. A bit late once your post has been quoted by another forum dweller, the thread moved to frothers corner, the thread starter deletes the whole thread or moderator deletes it.
  13. Just a thought, I believe we’re not allowed to overtake a horse at more than 5mphnow.
    If this is correct, at what speed are we allowed to overtake said horse if said horse is running at a speed greater than 5mph ?
    Is it still only 5mph, or is it the horses speed +5mph.
    Please enlighten me !
  14. I’m fairly certain you’ve exceeded a mandatory speed limit before as ever don’t get caught.
  15. I’ll slip ET a few bob, he seems a nice chap, I’ll even put air in his Corsair tyres (hope I spell’t that right : unamused:)
  16. To deep for me DS. :confused:
  17. I never understand the hostility to cyclists from bikers.

    I do both, and on a push bike I experience more hostility and bad driving from cagers, and I am a lot more vulnerable. As well as close-passes etc, I get things (verbal and physical) for absolutely no reason other than being on the road - I can't imagine the abuse women cyclists must get.

    If you have respect for someone who chooses 2 wheels over 4, and then takes their chances on the public roads, then that should extend to cyclists*. Sure some cyclists are idiots, some bikers are idiots, most idiots are car drivers.

    There's a lot more in common between bikers and cyclists. Car drivers are our common enemy.

    I agree that any cyclist trying out those Highway Code changes is asking for trouble in the real world, and faces being deliberately knocked off by an enraged SUV driver.

    "Why can't we all just get along?"

    * but not people who ride cruisers.
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  18. Id have no problem with cyclists if they could keep up with the speed of traffic “on normal roads” so please don’t quote cities, I don’t live in a city.
    And I also think, not only should they have a clearly displayed reg number but also have compulsory insurance and contribute to the road fund tax robbery.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Please don’t enrage them gammons.
  20. Having read through the changes and this post I have come to a conclusion, these changes are deliberately designed to be confusing for everyone so that it results in even more lengthy court cases and litigation claims, clearly written by someone with ties to the legal profession, its not a conspiracy theory if you follow the money!
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